Page 20 - Ontario Curriculum, Grades 11 and 12 Native Languages
P. 20

Overall Expectations
By the end of this course, students will:
• use an expanded vocabulary and varied language patterns correctly and apply spelling strategies effectively;
• demonstrate an understanding of language conventions in their writing;
• produceavarietyofwrittenworks,suchasshortessays,letters,narratives,transcriptionsof legends and oral prose, and biographies;
• independently revise and edit their writing for accuracy of language use;
• use electronic technology to communicate in a Native language with other students.
Specific Expectations
Reasoning and Critical Thinking
By the end of this course, students will:
– demonstrate sensitivity to Native cultural values in their writing (e.g., in a short story, journal, essay, or article);
– demonstrate a knowledge of different forms of writing (e.g., description, exposi- tion, report, argument, dialogue, narrative, transcription, biography);
– use familiar expressions accurately and experiment with complex forms to express facts (e.g., prepare a news broadcast for the local radio station);
– use a variety of paragraph structures to organize text and create story lines (e.g., a dialogue to accompany a drawing or pho- tograph);
– demonstrate an awareness of the potential of words and phrases to have multiple meanings (e.g., literal and figurative meanings);
– communicate in a Native language with other students on contemporary issues (e.g., substance abuse, urbanization, health) using electronic technology.
Use of Words and Language Patterns
By the end of this course, students will:
– use language patterns correctly;
– demonstrate an understanding of the vari- ety of sentence structures used in Native languages;
– use specialized vocabulary relating to familiar topics.

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