Page 5 - Math 9-10 (2009)
P. 5

The development of mathematical knowledge is a gradual process. A coherent and continuous program is necessary to help students see the “big pictures”, or underlying principles, of math- ematics. The fundamentals of important skills, concepts, processes, and attitudes are initiated in the primary grades and fostered through elementary school. The links between Grade 8 and Grade 9 and the transition from elementary school mathematics to secondary school math- ematics are very important in the student’s development of confidence and competence.
The Grade 9 courses in this curriculum build on the knowledge of concepts and skills that students are expected to have by the end of Grade 8. The strands used are similar to those of the elementary program, with adjustments made to reflect the new directions mathematics takes in secondary school. The Grade 9 courses are based on principles that are consistent with those that underpin the elementary program, facilitating the transition from elementary school. These courses reflect the belief that students learn mathematics effectively when they are initially given opportunities to investigate ideas and concepts and are then guided carefully into an understanding of the abstract mathematics involved. Skill acquisition is an important part of the program; skills are embedded in the contexts offered by various topics in the math- ematics program and should be introduced as they are needed.
The Grade 9 and 10 mathematics curriculum is designed to foster the development of the knowledge and skills students need to succeed in their subsequent mathematics courses, which will prepare them for the postsecondary destinations of their choosing.
Roles and Responsibilities in Mathematics Programs
Students. Students have many responsibilities with regard to their learning in school. Students who make the effort required and who apply themselves will soon discover that there is a direct relationship between this effort and their achievement, and will therefore be more moti- vated to work. There will be some students, however, who will find it more difficult to take responsibility for their learning because of special challenges they face. For these students, the attention, patience, and encouragement of teachers and family can be extremely important factors for success. However, taking responsibility for one’s progress and learning is an impor- tant part of education for all students, regardless of their circumstances.
Successful mastery of concepts and skills in mathematics requires a sincere commitment to work and study. Students are expected to develop strategies and processes that facilitate learn- ing and understanding in mathematics. Students should also be encouraged to actively pursue opportunities to apply their problem-solving skills outside the classroom and to extend and enrich their understanding of mathematics.
Parents. Parents have an important role to play in supporting student learning. Studies show that students perform better in school if their parents or guardians are involved in their educa- tion. By becoming familiar with the curriculum, parents can find out what is being taught in the courses their children are taking and what their children are expected to learn. This aware- ness will enhance parents’ ability to discuss their children’s work with them, to communicate with teachers, and to ask relevant questions about their children’s progress. Knowledge of the expectations in the various courses also helps parents to interpret teachers’ comments on stu- dent progress and to work with them to improve student learning.

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