Page 49 - Mathematics GRADE 9, DE-STREAMED (MTH1W)
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use of technology, and the use of oral competence, are essential in supporting student success in ELD programs and in mathematics.
Supporting English language learners is a shared responsibility. Collaboration with administrators and other teachers, particularly ESL/ELD teachers, and Indigenous representatives, where possible, contributes to creating equitable outcomes for English language learners. Additional information on planning for and assessing English language learners can be found in the “Planning for English Language Learners” subsection of “Considerations for Program Planning”.
Cross-Curricular and Integrated Learning in Mathematics
When planning an integrated mathematics program, educators should consider that, although the mathematical content in the curriculum is outlined in discrete strands, students develop mathematical thinking, such as proportional reasoning, algebraic reasoning, and spatial reasoning, that transcends the expectations in the strands and even connects to learning in other subject areas. By purposefully drawing connections across all areas of mathematics and other subject areas, and by applying learning to relevant real-life contexts, teachers extend and enhance student learning experiences and deepen their knowledge and skills across disciplines and beyond the classroom.
For example, proportional reasoning, which is developed through the study of ratios and rates in the Number strand, is also used when students are working towards meeting learning expectations in other strands of the math curriculum, such as in Geometry and Measurement and in Algebra, and in other disciplines, such as science, geography, and the arts. Students then apply this learning in their everyday lives – for example, when adjusting a recipe, preparing a mixture or solutions, or making unit conversions.
Similarly, algebraic reasoning is applied beyond the Number and Algebra strands. For example, it is applied in measurement when learning about formulas, such as
Volume of a pyramid = area of the base×height. It is applied in other disciplines, such as science, when 3
students study simple machines and learn about the formula work = force × distance. Algebraic reasoning is also used when making decisions in everyday life – for example, when determining which service provider offers a better consumer contract or when calculating how much time it will take for a frozen package to thaw.
Spatial thinking has a fundamental role throughout the Ontario curriculum, from Kindergarten to Grade 12, including in mathematics, the arts, health and physical education, and science. For example, a student demonstrates spatial reasoning when mentally rotating and matching shapes in mathematics, navigating movement through space and time, and using diagonal converging lines to create perspective drawings in visual art and to design and construct objects. In everyday life, there are many applications of spatial reasoning, such as when creating a garden layout or when using a map to navigate the most efficient way of getting from point A to point B.

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