Page 33 - Mathematics GRADE 9, DE-STREAMED (MTH1W)
P. 33

  Identifying Resources and Supports That Aid Perseverance in Mathematical Learning
In a supportive and inclusive environment, students have regular opportunities to practise and apply perseverance skills as they solve mathematical problems and develop an appreciation for learning from mistakes as a part of the mathematics learning process. Educators can support students in approaching challenges in life with an understanding that there is struggle in most successes and that accessing the right support can lead to success. To that end, students need to identify and access educators as key resources. Through regular interactions, students and educators can build relationships based on trust and respect. Educators can also support students in noticing and naming harmful classroom interactions such as microaggressions and discrimination, and can support them when they report incidents of harm. While building skills for perseverance can have an impact on an individual student level, it is important to recognize the critical role educators play when they actively take steps to acknowledge and address systemic barriers at all levels (in the classroom, in the school, across the system, in the community) that hinder mathematical learning for students.
   • Embracing mistakes as a necessary and helpful part of learning
• Noticing strengths and positive aspects of experiences, appreciating the value of practice
• Creating a list of supports and resources, including people, that can aid them in persevering
• Applying strategies such as:
o supporting peers by
encouraging them to keep
trying if they make a mistake o using personal affirmations
like “I can do this.”
  Building Healthy Relationships and Communicating Effectively in Mathematics
Healthy relationships are at the core of developing and maintaining physically and mentally safe, healthy, equitable, caring school and classroom communities. When students interact in meaningful ways with others, mutually respecting diversity of thought and expression, their sense of belonging within the school and community is enhanced. Learning healthy relationship skills helps students establish patterns of effective communication and inspires healthy, cooperative relationships. These skills include the ability to understand and appreciate another person’s perspective, to empathize with others, to listen attentively, and to resolve conflict in healthy ways. In mathematics, students have opportunities to develop and practise skills that support healthy interaction with others as they work together in small groups or in pairs to solve math problems and confront challenges. Developing
    • Recognizing and understanding the impact of one’s emotions and actions on others
• Listening attentively
• Considering other ideas and
• Practicing empathy and care
• Using conflict-resolution skills
• Using cooperation and collaboration
• Applying strategies such as:
o seeking opportunities to help others
o working as part of a team and playing different roles (e.g., leader, scribe or illustrator, data collector, observer) that contribute to outcomes in different ways

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