Page 209 - Mathematics GRADE 9, DE-STREAMED (MTH1W)
P. 209

o digital spreadsheet or software
• changes in circumstances:
o a change in income or revenue o a change in the cost of utilities o a change in transportation costs o a change in operational costs
• modifying budgets:
o adjusting income or expense categories in a budget to create a balanced budget, whether
for an individual, a family, an organization, a business, or a government
Instructional Tips
Teachers can:
• share examples of budgets represented in various ways;
• provide students with opportunities to work with a variety of budgets, such as those for an
individual, a family, a business, an organization, a community-based non-profit organization, or a
government (municipal, provincial, or federal);
• provide students with opportunities to discuss and explore various categories that might be
included in a budget;
• ensure that all examples provided or discussed, although authentic and connected to students’
realities, are hypothetical and free of judgement;
• create opportunities for students to work in pairs or small groups to brainstorm how a change in
circumstances might affect a budget;
• have students modify budgets and justify their modifications through discussion or in writing.
Teacher Prompts
• What are some of the categories you might find on a family budget? a school team’s or club’s budget? a small business’s budget?
• In general, which categories of expenses and revenue on a budget are easier to change? Which are more difficult to change?
• What are some circumstances that would result in the need for a change in a budget?
Sample tasks
1. Provide students, working in small groups, with a sample balanced budget for a family that includes realistic values for the local community. Give each group a realistic circumstance that would require a change or changes in the budget. Have the group work collaboratively to adjust the budget to keep it balanced and then share their changes and rationale with the class. Note: Ensure that all

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