Page 198 - Mathematics GRADE 9, DE-STREAMED (MTH1W)
P. 198

pyramids full of the substance it takes to fill the corresponding prism. Have them do the same with the cones and cylinders.
2. Ask students which of the following cones has the greatest volume and to justify their choice.
• Cone A: Height is equal to the diameter of its circular base.
• Cone B: Height is double the height of cone A and diameter is the same as cone A.
• Cone C: Height is equal to that of cone A and diameter is twice that of cone A.
      3. Show students an image of a large real-life object that closely resembles a pyramid or a cone, and ask them to estimate its volume.
4. Have students solve problems that involve the volume of composite figures and can be solved using the relationship between the volume of a pyramid and the volume of a prism or the relationship between the volume of a cone and the volume of a cylinder. For example:
• The container shown below is made up of a pentagonal prism and a pentagonal pyramid that both have a height of 10 cm and a base area of 30 cm2. What is the total volume of the container? What are the side lengths of the regular pentagonal base of the prism?

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