Page 186 - Mathematics GRADE 9, DE-STREAMED (MTH1W)
P. 186

5. Have students share a geometric design that is of interest to them and identify possible geometric relationships within the design.
6. Have students create a geometric design that includes given geometric properties.
7. Have students create a scale diagram of the playing surface of a sport of their choice. Have them share the significance to the sport of the geometric design on the playing surface.
E1.3 Geometric and Measurement Relationships
solve problems involving different units within a measurement system and between measurement systems, including those from various cultures or communities, using various representations and technology, when appropriate
Teacher supports
• units from various measurement systems
o units of length – arm lengths, handspans, inches, feet, yards, miles, millimetres,
centimetres, metres, kilometres, light years, stride lengths
o units of area – square feet, square yards, square centimetres, square metres, acres,
o units of capacity – drops, scoops, handfuls, bagfuls, pints, cups, gallons, quarts, bushels,
millilitres, litres
o units of volume – cubic feet, cubic yards, cubic millimetres, cubic centimetres, cubic
o units of mass – grams, kilograms, tonnes
o units of digital storage – gigabytes, megabytes, terabytes
o units of time – nanoseconds, seconds, minutes, days, years, centuries, phases of the Moon,
• representations and technology:
o various measuring tools, such as grid paper, rulers, and base 10 blocks o open double number lines
o dynamic, interactive geometry tools
o coding

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