Page 175 - Mathematics GRADE 9, DE-STREAMED (MTH1W)
P. 175

graphs that show the different amounts of time that trips take based on the number of times the bus has to stop, generate a graphic showing the spread of distances that students are comfortable walking, or create a city/town map showing where they would place the bus stops.
D2.5 Process of Mathematical Modelling
report how the model can be used to answer the question of interest, how well the model fits the context, potential limitations of the model, and what predictions can be made based on the model
Teacher supports
• assessing the model and using it to make predictions:
o Plastic waste contributes to the pollution of Earth’s ecosystems. How does the proportion
of plastic that ends up in recycling compare to the proportion that ends up in the garbage? ▪ assessing the model:
• Does your mathematical model describe the amount of plastic waste in recycling and the amount of plastic waste in the garbage as proportions?
• Does your mathematical model account for your assumption that any plastic that is recyclable is in the recycling bin?
• How does your mathematical model use the fact that all the recycling bins for your population of interest are the same size, and all the garbage bins are the same size?
• How does your mathematical model account for the question of whether the amount of plastic being recycled or disposed varies at different times of the year?
▪ making predictions:
• What percentage of plastic waste is recycled for your population of interest?
Does this answer make sense? Why or why not?
• If 3000 tonnes of plastic is recycled in a given time period, how much plastic
ends up in the garbage in that same time period?
o Is there a relationship between the mass of a vehicle and its fuel efficiency or energy
▪ assessing the model:
• Does this model show a strong correlation on the scatter plot between the mass of a vehicle and its fuel efficiency or energy consumption?
• Are there any outliers on the scatter plot that could affect the correlation? ▪ making predictions:
• What is the predicted value of the fuel efficiency or energy consumption of a vehicle with a given mass within and outside the range of data points?

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