Page 172 - Mathematics GRADE 9, DE-STREAMED (MTH1W)
P. 172

Instructional Tips
Teachers can:
• the fuel efficiency or energy consumption rate is measured on a similar driving conditions (e.g., speed limits, weather, the need to use climate control)
• support students in selecting the most appropriate methods of data collection in order to collect the information needed to answer their question (e.g., surveying a sample of individuals, conducting an experiment, testing a design prototype, data collected from the census);
• provide students with access to a variety of print and digital resources to research and collect data;
• facilitate conversations among students to enable them to discuss and reflect on the assumptions made, what can vary, what can remain the same, and how these elements can affect their plan to answer their question of interest;
• facilitate discussions about the elements of and challenges in developing and carrying out their plan.
Expectations D2.2 through D2.5 highlight the process of mathematical modelling and are therefore interconnected; they should be considered as a whole, and this should be reflected during instruction.
Teacher Prompts
• What is your plan to collect the data/information?
• What are the steps needed in your plan?
• What are the sources of your data?
• What assumptions are you making in choosing which data to collect?
• Which aspects of the situation change? Which remain the same?
• What potential biases might be involved in the data collection? Sample Tasks
1. Have students map out all the steps of their plan. Have students determine what information they need for their question of interest.
• For instance, if they are doing the modelling task of planning school bus stops, they might need to look at the school bus routes to see how far apart the stops are currently.

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