Page 15 - Mathematics GRADE 9, DE-STREAMED (MTH1W)
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may provide newsletters or communicate with parents through apps or social media; and school or board websites may provide helpful tips about how parents can engage in their children’s mathematics learning outside of school and may even provide links where they can learn more or enjoy mathematics- related activities together.
If parents need more information about what their children are learning, and how to support their children’s success in mathematics, teachers are available to answer questions and provide information and resources.
Teachers have the most important role in the success of students in mathematics. Teachers are responsible for ensuring that all students receive the highest quality of mathematics education. This requires them to have high academic expectations of all students, provide appropriate supports for learning, and believe that all students are capable math learners. Teachers bring expertise and skills to providing varied and equitable instructional and assessment approaches to the classroom. Teachers plan a mathematics program using an asset-based approach that affirms students’ identities, reflects their lived experiences, leverages their strengths, and addresses their needs in order to ensure equitable, accessible, and engaging learning opportunities for every student. The attitude with which teachers themselves approach mathematics is critical, as teachers are important role models for students.
Teachers place students’ well-being and academic success at the centre of their mathematics planning, teaching, and assessment practices, and understand how the learning experiences they provide will develop an appreciation of mathematics and foster a healthy attitude and engagement in all students. Teachers have a thorough understanding of the mathematics content they teach, which enables them to provide relevant and responsive, high-quality mathematical opportunities through which all students can develop their understanding of mathematical knowledge, concepts, and skills. Teachers understand the learning continua along which students develop their mathematical thinking and, with effective use of direct instruction and high-quality mathematical tasks, can thus support all students’ movement along these continua. Teachers provide ongoing meaningful feedback to all students about their mathematics learning and achievement, which helps to build confidence and provide focused next steps. Teachers support students in developing their ability to solve problems, reason mathematically, and connect the mathematics they are learning to the real world around them. They recognize the importance of emphasizing and illustrating the usefulness of mathematics in students’ lives, and of integrating mathematics with other areas of the curriculum – such as making connections with science, engineering, art, and technology to answer scientific questions or solve problems, or engaging in political debate and community development. They recognize the importance of supporting students in learning about careers involving mathematics, and of supporting the development of students’ mathematical agency to grow their identity as capable mathematical thinkers.
As part of effective teaching practice, teachers use multiple ways and both formal and informal means to communicate with parents and develop partnerships between home or caring adults and school that meet the varied needs of families. Through various types of communication, teachers discuss with

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