Page 148 - Mathematics GRADE 9, DE-STREAMED (MTH1W)
P. 148

• What do you notice about where each of these graphs crosses the x-axis? The y-axis? Why does it make sense that they cross at these points?
Sample Tasks
1. Ask students to generate a set of coordinates that satisfy the equation x + y = 10. Have them plot these coordinates on a grid, and then discuss whether they have found all the possible values that satisfy the equation or if there are others between these points. This discussion should lead to the idea of connecting the points with a line to represent all possible values. Then have them choose points above and below the line they have drawn, and ask them how these points are connected to the inequalities x + y > 10 and x + y < 10.
2. Have students choose values for k, a, and b to explore, and then graph, using technology, the relations x = k, y = k, x + y = k, x − y = k, ax + by = k, and xy = k and compare them using the characteristics discussed in class. Then have them use technology again to explore the inequalities for these relations.
C4.3 Characteristics of Linear and Non-Linear Relations
translate, reflect, and rotate lines defined by y = ax, where a is a constant, and describe how each transformation affects the graphs and equations of the defined lines
Teacher supports
• transformations:
o translations:
shift up, down, left, or right:

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