Page 142 - Mathematics GRADE 9, DE-STREAMED (MTH1W)
P. 142

      2. Have students compare relations where an algebraic solution might allow for more accuracy. For example: During a professional car-racing event, two drivers are jockeying for first place. Driver A, currently in first place, has a 15 second lead over Driver B, in second place, but Driver B has picked up speed. The following equations can be used to represent the amount of time, t, in minutes, that they have been driving since Driver B picked up speed, in terms of n, the number of laps.
• Driver A: t = 1.4n
• Driver B: t = 1.3n + 0.25
At what point will Driver B catch up to Driver A? If there are five laps left in the race, is it possible for Driver B to win?
Overall expectation
C4. Characteristics of Relations
demonstrate an understanding of the characteristics of various representations of linear and non-linear relations, using tools, including coding when appropriate
Specific expectations
By the end of this course, students will:
C4.1 Characteristics of Linear and Non-Linear Relations
compare characteristics of graphs, tables of values, and equations of linear and non-linear relations

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