Page 119 - Mathematics GRADE 9, DE-STREAMED (MTH1W)
P. 119

Sample Tasks
1. Provide students with a bag of various concrete materials (e.g., pattern blocks, algebra tiles). Have them write an unsimplified expression to represent the contents of the bag, and then have them simplify the expression.
2. Ask students to create the following expressions, build them with algebra tiles, and then compare their results with those of a partner:
• two binomials that can be added to equal zero
• two different expressions that can be simplified to 3x + 7
• a monomial and a binomial that can be multiplied to create a product of 6x2 − 12x
3. Have students construct models using straws and connectors (or similar tools) to represent the multiplication of monomials and some power rules. For example:
• Use straws and connectors to build a model to represent (2x)3, where the length of a straw represents x, and use the model to explain how (2x)3 can be simplified to 8x3. The model might look like the following:
                      C1.5 Algebraic Expressions and Equations
create and solve equations for various contexts, and verify their solutions
Teacher supports
• equations:
o linear equations; for example, 180(n – 2) = 1440, 3x + 2 = 2(x – 5), t – 2 = – 8 3

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