Page 11 - Mathematics GRADE 9, DE-STREAMED (MTH1W)
P. 11

More information on equity and inclusive education can be found in the “Human Rights, Equity, and Inclusive Education” subsection of “Considerations for Program Planning”.
Principles Underlying the Grade 9 Mathematics Curriculum
• A mathematics curriculum is most effective when it values and honours the diversity that exists among students and within communities.
The Grade 9 mathematics curriculum is based on the belief that all students can and deserve to be successful in mathematics. In particular, an inclusive curriculum is built on the understanding that not all students necessarily learn mathematics in the same way, use the same resources (e.g., tools and materials), or learn within the same time frames. Setting high academic expectations and building a safe and inclusive community of learners requires the purposeful use of a variety of instructional and assessment strategies and approaches that build on students’ prior learning and experiences, and create an optimal and equitable environment for mathematics learning. The curriculum emphasizes the need to eliminate systemic barriers and to serve students belonging to groups that have been historically disadvantaged and underserved in mathematics education.
• A robust mathematics curriculum is essential for ensuring that all students reach their full potential.
The Grade 9 mathematics curriculum challenges all students by including learning expectations that build on students’ prior knowledge and experience; involve higher-order thinking skills; and require students to make connections between their lived experiences, mathematical concepts, other subject areas, and situations outside of school. This learning enables all students to gain a powerful knowledge of the usefulness of the discipline and an appreciation of the histories and importance of mathematics.
• A mathematics curriculum provides all students with the fundamental mathematics concepts and foundational skills they require to become capable and confident mathematics learners. The Grade 9 mathematics curriculum provides a balanced approach to the teaching and learning of mathematics. It is based on the belief that all students learn mathematics most effectively when they can build on prior knowledge to develop a solid understanding of the concepts and skills in mathematics, and when they are given opportunities to apply these concepts and skills as they solve increasingly complex tasks and investigate mathematical ideas, applications, and situations in everyday contexts. As students continue to explore the relevance of mathematics, they further develop their identity and agency as capable mathematics learners.
• A progressive mathematics curriculum includes the strategic integration of technology to support and enhance the learning and doing of mathematics.
The Grade 9 mathematics curriculum strategically integrates the use of appropriate technologies to support all students in developing conceptual understanding and procedural fluency, while recognizing the continuing importance of students’ mastering the fundamentals of mathematics. For some students, assistive technology also provides an essential means of accessing the mathematics curriculum and demonstrating their learning. Students develop the ability to select appropriate tools and strategies to perform particular tasks, to investigate ideas, and to solve problems. The curriculum sets out a framework for learning important skills, such as problem

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