Page 111 - The Ontario Curriculum, Grades 11 and 12: Mathematics, 2007
P. 111

 2.3 solve problems involving the addition, sub- traction, and scalar multiplication of vectors, including problems arising from real-world applications
Sample problem: A plane on a heading of
N 27° E has an air speed of 375 km/h. The wind is blowing from the south at 62 km/h. Determine the actual direction of travel of the plane and its ground speed.
2.4 perform the operation of dot product on two
vectors represented as directed line segments
(i.e., using a•b =|a||b|cosθ) and in
Cartesian form (i.e., using a • b = a1b1 + a2b2 or →→
a • b = a1b1 + a2b2 + a3b3 ) in two-space and three-space, and describe applications of
the dot product (e.g., determining the angle between two vectors; determining the projec-
tion of one vector onto another)
Sample problem: Describe how the dot pro- duct can be used to compare the work done in pulling a wagon over a given distance in a specific direction using a given force for different positions of the handle.
2.5 determine, through investigation, properties of the dot product (e.g., investigate whether it is commutative, distributive, or associative; investigate the dot product of a vector with itself and the dot product of orthogonal vectors)
Sample problem: Investigate geometrically and algebraically the relationship between the dot product of the vectors (1, 0, 1) and
(0, 1, – 1) and the dot product of scalar multi- ples of these vectors. Does this relationship apply to any two vectors? Find a vector that is orthogonal to both the given vectors.
2.6 perform the operation of cross product
on two vectors represented in Cartesian
form in three-space [i.e., using
a x b = (a2b3 – a3b2, a3b1 – a1b3, a1b2 – a2b1)], determine the magnitude of the cross product
→→ →→
(i.e., using|a x b|=|a||b|sinθ), and describe
applications of the cross product (e.g., deter- mining a vector orthogonal to two given vec- tors; determining the turning effect [or torque] when a force is applied to a wrench at differ- ent angles)
Sample problem: Explain how you maximize the torque when you use a wrench and how the inclusion of a ratchet in the design of a wrench helps you to maximize the torque.
2.7 determine, through investigation, properties of the cross product (e.g., investigate whether it is commutative, distributive, or associative; investigate the cross product of collinear vectors)
Sample problem: Investigate algebraically the
relationship between the cross product of
→→ thevectorsa =(1,0,1)andb =(0,1,–1)
and the cross product of scalar multiples
of a and b. Does this relationship apply to any two vectors?
2.8 solve problems involving dot product and cross product (e.g., determining projections, the area of a parallelogram, the volume of a parallelepiped), including problems arising from real-world applications (e.g., determin- ing work, torque, ground speed, velocity, force)
Sample problem: Investigate the dot products →→→ →→→ → a•(axb) and b•(axb) for any two vectors a
and b in three-space. What property of the →→
cross product a x b does this verify?
By the end of this course, students will:
3.1 recognize that the solution points (x, y) in two-space of a single linear equation in two variables form a line and that the solution points (x, y) in two-space of a system of two linear equations in two variables determine the point of intersection of two lines, if the lines are not coincident or parallel
Sample problem: Describe algebraically the situations in two-space in which the solution points (x, y) of a system of two linear equa- tions in two variables do not determine a point.
3.2 determine, through investigation with technol- ogy (i.e., 3-D graphing software) and without technology, that the solution points (x, y, z) in three-space of a single linear equation in three variables form a plane and that the solution points (x, y, z) in three-space of a system of two linear equations in three variables form the line of intersection of two planes, if the planes are not coincident or parallel
Sample problem: Use spatial reasoning to compare the shapes of the solutions in three- space with the shapes of the solutions in two- space for each of the linear equations x = 0,
 3. Describing Lines and Planes Using Linear Equations
Calculus and Vectors

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