Page 8 - Interdisciplinary Studies 11-12 (2002)
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   The Program in Interdisciplinary Studies
The interdisciplinary studies program is one of a number of specialized programs that can provide students with a particular curriculum focus to help them meet diploma requirements and make the transition to postsecondary destinations.4 The following interdisciplinary studies courses are offered in Grades 11 and 12: Interdisciplinary Studies, Grade 11, Open; Interdisci- plinary Studies, Grade 12, University Preparation; and Interdisciplinary Studies, Grade 12, Open.
Interdisciplinary studies courses provide students with opportunities to understand the diverse perspectives of and the links among discrete subjects/disciplines and to develop their knowl- edge and skills beyond the scope of individual disciplines to solve problems, make decisions, and present new findings. Students will integrate general interdisciplinary concepts, skills, models, resources, technologies, and strategies with specific content and approaches from diverse areas of the curriculum, which can be adapted to reflect the context of the specific interdisciplinary studies courses or packages of courses. An important emphasis will be placed on developing information literacy, applying comprehensive research skills and knowledge, and synthesizing methodologies and insights from a variety of disciplines to develop critical- and creative-thinking skills.
Interdisciplinary studies courses can be offered in two models: single-credit interdisciplinary studies courses and interdisciplinary studies packages of courses, as outlined below. Students may take a maximum of three interdisciplinary studies courses – one each of Interdisciplinary Studies, Grade 11, Open; Interdisciplinary Studies, Grade 12, University Preparation; and Interdisciplinary Studies, Grade 12, Open. This restriction applies to all courses, whether they are single-credit interdisciplinary studies courses or interdisciplinary studies courses within a package.
Model A: Single-Credit Interdisciplinary Studies Courses
Model A offers single-credit interdisciplinary studies courses. In these courses, students combine all the expectations of the interdisciplinary studies course with a relevant selection of expectations from two or more courses from the same grade or the grade immediately preceding or follow- ing. Course content, instructional strategies, and assessment procedures for an interdisciplinary studies course should be designed to meet the grade-level expectations for that course. The following are two examples of interdisciplinary studies courses, one open and one university preparation course:
• AppliedJournalism,Grade11,Open.ThiscoursecombinesexpectationsfromInterdisciplinary Studies, Grade 11, Open with selected expectations from two or more other courses
(e.g., Media Arts, Grade 11, Open; The Enterprising Person, Grade 11, Open; Media Studies, Grade 11, Open; and Communications Technology, Grade 11,Workplace Preparation).
 4. See Ontario Secondary Schools, Grades 9 to 12: Program and Diploma Requirements, 1999 (OSS), section 7.4.

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