Page 55 - Interdisciplinary Studies 11-12 (2002)
P. 55

– communication of information and ideas
– collaboration (e.g., interactive listening, team building, coop- erative planning, leadership)
– use of language, symbols, media, and technologies
– communication for different audiences and purposes in real- life situations across the disciplines
– use of various com- munication forms and technologies
– application of ideas and skills in familiar contexts
– application of ideas and skills in new contexts
– application of processes and technologies (e.g., the research process, multimedia and telecommunications technologies)
– provision of explana- tions that incorporate new understandings
– finding connections (e.g., among disci- plines, between a dis- cipline and the world outside the school)
50–59% (Level 1)
The student:
– communicates infor- mation and ideas with limited clarity
– collaborates with others with limited effectiveness
– uses language, sym- bols, media, and technologies with limited accuracy and effectiveness
– communicates with a limited awareness of audience and purpose
– demonstrates limited command of various forms and technologies
The student:
– applies ideas and skills in familiar contexts with limited effectiveness
– applies ideas and skills in new contexts with limited effectiveness
– applies processes and technologies with limited effectiveness and creativity
– provides explanations that incorporate a few new personal understandings
– finds connections with limited success
60–69% (Level 2)
– communicates infor- mation and ideas with some clarity
– collaborates with others with some effectiveness
– uses language, sym- bols, media, and technologies with some accuracy and effectiveness
– communicates with some awareness of audience and purpose
– demonstrates some command of various forms and technologies
– applies ideas and skills in familiar contexts with some effectiveness
– applies ideas and skills in new contexts with some effectiveness
– applies processes and technologies with some effectiveness and creativity
– provides explanations that incorporate some new personal understandings
– finds connections with some success
70–79% (Level 3)
– communicates infor- mation and ideas with considerable clarity
– collaborates with others with consider- able effectiveness
– uses language, sym- bols, media, and technologies with considerable accuracy and effectiveness
– communicates with considerable aware- ness of audience and purpose
– demonstrates consid- erable command of various forms and technologies
– applies ideas and skills in familiar contexts with considerable effectiveness
– applies ideas and skills in new contexts with considerable effectiveness
– applies processes and technologies with considerable effective- ness and creativity
– provides explanations that incorporate a considerable number of new personal understandings
– finds connections with considerable success
80–100% (Level 4)
– communicates infor- mation and ideas with a high degree of clarity
– collaborates with others with a high degree of effectiveness
– uses language, sym- bols, media, and technologies with a high degree of accu- racy and effectiveness
– communicates with a high degree of aware- ness of audience and purpose
– demonstrates exten- sive command of various forms and technologies
– applies ideas and skills in familiar contexts with a high degree of effectiveness
– applies ideas and skills in new contexts with a high degree of effectiveness
– applies processes and technologies with a high degree of effec- tiveness and creativity
– provides explanations that incorporate a significant number
of new personal understandings
– finds connections with a high degree of success
     Note: A student whose achievement is below 50% at the end of a course will not obtain a credit for the course.

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