Page 29 - Interdisciplinary Studies 11-12 (2002)
P. 29

  Implementation, Evaluation, Impacts, and Consequences
Overall Expectations
By the end of this course, students will:
• implementandcommunicateinformationaboutinterdisciplinaryendeavours,usingavariety of methods and strategies;
• evaluatethequalityofinterdisciplinaryendeavours,usingavarietyofstrategies;
• analyse and describe the impact on society of interdisciplinary approaches and solutions to real-life situations;
• analyse and describe ways in which interdisciplinary skills relate to personal development and careers.
Specific Expectations
Implementation and Communication
By the end of this course, students will:
– create interdisciplinary products based on their own plans or designs, independently or as members of a team (e.g., a series of fashion designs for ten years in the future using traditional or digital illustrations, a health and safety plan in response to a customer survey);
– demonstrate the ability to communicate and present information effectively, using a variety of methods and forms (e.g., written and oral reports, dramatic presentations, annotated graphs and charts);
– demonstrate an understanding of the visual and textual ways of representing informa- tion in each of the subjects or disciplines studied (e.g., nutritional charts; graphs and diagrams; different geographic, political, historical, and cultural maps; stock market indexes and tables);
– identify and describe ways in which information in each of the subjects or dis- ciplines studied is shaped and communi- cated by the media used (e.g., print as contrasted with multimedia; text as con- trasted with visual representations; still versus moving images).
By the end of this course, students will:
– monitor the effectiveness of the plans for their interdisciplinary products or activi- ties using appropriate strategies (e.g., developing criteria to measure effective implementation, checking progress according to a time line, providing progress reports on action taken and decisions made during the process);
– develop and apply effective criteria for evaluating the quality of their interdiscipli- nary products and activities (e.g., to iden- tify how well their products and activities demonstrate their ability to manage data and present ideas, to synthesize ideas and approaches, or to create innovative and original explorations or solutions);
– evaluate and record the effectiveness of their interdisciplinary activities and pro- jects, including their research sources, methods, findings, and plans (e.g., by iden- tifying how well their activities and pro- jects reflected characteristic methods and approaches of each of the subjects and dis- ciplines under study; by revising their plans as problems and solutions arose; by analysing how perspectives were shaped by the sources of information used);

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