Page 95 - The Ontario Curriculum, Grades 9-12: Health and Physical Education, 2015 - revised
P. 95

Teacher prompt: “What are some of the things that help you to be active on a regular basis?”
Students: “I do things that are fun, like playing road hockey with my friends. I also par- ticipate in after-school martial arts classes with a bunch of friends. We keep each other motivated and challenge each other to do better.” “As an Ojibway student living off re- serve, I like participating in activities at the friendship centre here in town. Everyone there is very supportive, I’m often there for other reasons anyway, and doing the fancy shawl dance helps me stay connected with my heritage.”
A1.3 demonstrate positive social behaviours and adherence to ethical and fair play standards that contribute to creating a rewarding and enjoyable environment for participation in physical activities (e.g., work effectively and collaboratively in groups by encouraging others, acknowledging others’ contributions, giving and receiving assistance, playing fair and displaying good activity etiquette, providing leadership) [PS, IS]
Teacher prompt: “How might you provide leadership in the classroom?”
Student: “I can take the initiative to do necessary tasks, such as setting up or taking down the volleyball nets. I can be a role model by quickly finding a partner to warm up with when the teacher asks us to. I can help others when they need assistance. I can encourage others to achieve their goals.”
A2. Physical Fitness
By the end of this course, students will:
A2.1 participate regularly in sustained moderate to vigorous physical activity to the best of their ability for a minimum of twenty minutes (e.g., aerobic fitness blasts, capture the flag, continuous play in small-sided games) [PS]
Teacher prompt: “Continuous activities, such as walking, running, wheeling, and dancing, that require the use of large muscle groups are good for developing cardiorespiratory fitness. What determines the intensity of activities such as these? How do you know whether your intensity level is moderate or vigorous? According to the Canadian Physical Activity Guidelines for Youth, how much physical activity do you need in order to get health benefits from being active, and how intense should your activity be? The physical activity we do in class isn’t all the activity you need to achieve health benefits. What kinds of additional things can you do outside of class? What, according to the Canadian Sedentary Behaviour Guidelines, should you try to limit or avoid?”
Students: “The rate or intensity at which you do the activity will determine whether it is moderate or vigorous. It will be different from one person to another, depending on each person’s abilities. Using the ‘talk test’ is a simple way to measure your intensity level. A moderate-intensity activity will raise your heart rate, make you breathe harder, and may cause you to sweat, but you will still be able to carry on a conversation. During vigorous activity, you will not be able to say more than a few words without pausing for breath.” “For health benefits, the guidelines suggest that you should accumulate
at least sixty minutes of moderate to vigorous physical activity daily, and you should include vigorous activities at least three days a week. Some other activities I could
do outside of class to reach the sixty-minute goal are power walking or wheeling, ice-skating, snowshoeing, playing tennis, and cycling.” “We should try to avoid
sitting for extended periods of time. We can do that by limiting recreational screen
time to no more than two hours per day, using sedentary transport less, and spending more time outdoors.”
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Teacher prompt: “If you find it challenging to sustain moderate to vigorous physical activity for twenty minutes, what can you do to make it easier to achieve this goal? What could your next goal be after you achieve this one?”
 Healthy Active Living Education

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