Page 219 - The Ontario Curriculum, Grades 9-12: Health and Physical Education, 2015 - revised
P. 219

smudging. A practice used by some First Nations, involving fanning smoke from herbs such as sage or sweetgrass over their bodies. The practice is used to cleanse a person of bad feelings, get rid of negative thoughts and energy, and provide a sense of physical, emotional, mental, and spiritual renewal.
spatial awareness. See movement concepts.
specialized equipment. A term encompassing a variety of materials designed to help students with a variety of needs to participate in physical activity. For example, specialized equipment might include balls of different sizes, colours, weights, and/or textures to make the ball easier to see, feel, or catch, or balls with a bell inside to help a student who is unable to see to track the ball using the auditory cue.
specificity (fitness training principle). The concept that improvements in fitness are directly related to the type of fitness training program an individual is following. For example, flexibility can be improved by doing stretching exercises but will not necessarily be improved by doing strength-training exercises. See also individuality, overload, and reversibility.
speed. A skill-related component of physical fitness that relates to the ability to move from one point to another within a short period of time. See also skill-related fitness.
stability. Stability skills involve the ability to balance the body in one place (static) or keep
the body balanced while moving (dynamic) by sensing a shift in the relationship of the body parts and altering body position to maintain balance. See also dynamic balance, movement skills, and static balance.
static balance. A stability skill in which the body maintains a desired shape in a stationary position. See also stability.
stereotype. A false or generalized, and usually negative, conception of a group of people that results in the unconscious or conscious categorization of each member of that group,
without regard for individual differences. Stereotyping may be based on race, ancestry,
place of origin, colour, ethnic origin, citizenship, creed, sex, sexual orientation, age, marital status, family status, or disability, as set out in the Ontario Human Rights Code, or on the basis of other factors.
striking/fielding activities. Activities in which striking players try to score by striking an object and running to designated playing areas (bases) while fielding players try to prevent them from scoring by retrieving the object and returning it to stop the play.
systems thinking. A method of thinking and problem-solving in which elements are considered as part of a complex whole, rather than in isolation. Analysing the ways in which elements interact with and depend on each other can yield greater understanding than looking at each element separately.
talk test. A simple assessment tool that students can use to monitor their level of exertion during moderate to vigorous activity to ensure that they are at a level that is appropriate for their training or participation goals and optimal for improving cardio-respiratory endurance. During moderate activity, students can hear their own breathing and can talk comfortably. During more vigorous activity, students can still talk, but it is more challenging to do so. See also moderate to vigorous physical activity.
target activities. Activities in which players score by avoiding obstacles to get an object closer to a target or hit a target more often than their opponents.
tchoukball. A territory game in which players score by throwing and bouncing a ball on a small trampoline-like goal set up at each end of the playing area. Tchoukball is a no-contact game.
territory activities. Activities that involve controlling an object, keeping it away from opponents, and moving it into position to score. The same playing area is shared by both offensive and defensive players as they work to prevent the other team from scoring.

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