Page 201 - The Ontario Curriculum, Grades 9-12: Health and Physical Education, 2015 - revised
P. 201

C2.3 demonstrate the ability to assist “clients” in interpreting appraisal results and using the infor- mation to make changes in their daily lives that are related to physical activity, fitness, healthy eating, and other factors that affect overall health (e.g., before analysing the results, reassure clients that their information will remain confidential; assist clients in identifying their needs and interests and understanding the multiple factors that influence their current health and activity practices as re- vealed by their assessment information; assist clients in using their assessment information to establish and prioritize fitness, physical activity, healthy eating, or broader health goals; support clients in setting achievable short-term goals to maintain participation)
Teacher prompt: “Once your clients have completed their physical activity and nutritional assessments, you can help them interpret the results and set their goals. You could begin by introducing them to the Canadian Physical Activity Guidelines, the Canadian Sedentary Behaviour Guidelines, and Canada’s Food Guide and showing them how to use these guides when setting and managing goals. For example, comparing their activity level assessments with the recommendations in the physical activity and sedentary behaviour guidelines will help your clients determine some of the things they could do to improve their level of physical activity. Similarly, comparing their nutrition assessments with the recommendations in Canada’s Food Guide will help them identify affordable and relevant changes that they should make to their eating habits. This and the other health-related fit- ness information that you and your clients have collected will give your clients a range of options from which they can choose priorities, set realistic goals, and make the changes needed to achieve them.”
C2.4 demonstrate the ability to assist “clients” in designing and following a personal healthy active living plan (e.g., collaborate with clients to create individual plans; motivate clients to apply strategies that will help them achieve goals within their plans; encourage a commitment to action; provide specific feedback and praise on a regular basis; support clients in assessing progress and making revisions to their plans; celebrate their successes)
Teacher prompt: “How do you help a client who would like to make several changes in his or her activity and eating habits but is having a difficult time getting started? How do you help a client who sets unrealistic goals or unrealistic timelines for achieving them and doesn’t understand why his or her plan is not sustainable? How do you help such a client set realistic goals?”
C2.5 identify community resources and support services related to physical activity, healthy eating, and personal well-being (e.g., public health units, credible and accurate websites, youth centres, recreation centres)
 Recreation and Healthy Active Living Leadership

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