Page 194 - The Ontario Curriculum, Grades 9-12: Health and Physical Education, 2015 - revised
P. 194

 Grade 12, University/College Preparation
THE ONTARIO CURRICULUM, GRADES 9–12 | Health and Physical Education
Teacher prompt: “Everyone brings different abilities and skills to any team. When work- ing as part of a team, each member takes responsibility for his or her share of the work to achieve the goals of the group. Why is this important to the success of a team? How can individuals contribute to a team’s effectiveness?”
Student: “The overall effectiveness of a team depends on how well and how reliably each member performs his or her share of the work. Apart from doing our own work well, we can contribute to the team’s effectiveness by sharing information, resources, and expertise and by giving positive feedback and encouragement to other team members.”
A3.4 demonstrate the ability (e.g., through simulations, initiative games, and problem-solving exercises; by organizing and running a tournament for the class) to use a variety of strategies and teamwork skills to facilitate group effectiveness in achieving goals related to healthy, active living

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