Page 179 - The Ontario Curriculum, Grades 9-12: Health and Physical Education, 2015 - revised
P. 179

Student: “Sport and physical activity can help young people develop many qualities that have lifelong benefits. These include honesty, courage, respect for others, a desire for personal excellence, the ability to work with others, and gratitude for the guidance of parents, elders, and communities.”
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Teacher prompt: “The history of sport and physical activity in Canada has been shaped by the contributions of Canadians from many different backgrounds. Can you name some individuals who have become prominent as a result of their athletic achievements or their contribution to the development of sport and physical activity in Canada?”
Students: “Tom Longboat from the Six Nations community of Ohsweken, Ontario:
he was one of the greatest distance runners in the world in the early 1900s.” “Dr. James Naismith, from Almonte, Ontario: he invented basketball.” “The women of the Edmonton Grads basketball team: Dr. Naismith called them ‘the finest basketball team that ever stepped on the floor’.” “Terry Fox: after losing a leg to cancer when he was a university student in B.C., he attempted to run across Canada to raise money for cancer research. His example has inspired many people to participate in fundraising runs for cancer re- search and other causes.” “World champion freestyle skier Sarah Burke: her advocacy for freestyle skiing contributed to the inclusion of the half-pipe event in the 2014 Olympic Games.” “Philippe de Gaspé Beaubien: he’s a businessman from Montreal who founded ParticipACTION, an organization that has encouraged many Canadians to become more physically active.” “Joyce Fairbairn, a senator from Alberta: she’s one of the founders of Friends of the Paralympics, which has helped to ensure that Canadian paralympic athletes are able to compete at the highest levels of their sports.”
A1.2 analyse selected social issues of current significance relating to physical activity and sport (e.g., more sedentary lifestyles, rising obesity rates, increased health care costs, violence in sport, cheating in sport, cost as a barrier to participation in physical activity and sports programs, early specialization versus participation in multiple sports for children and youth, inclusive versus specialized sports programs for persons with special needs)
Teacher prompt: “The concepts of fair play and playing for the spirit of the game are commonly emphasized in organized sport. Despite the fact that these messages are well communicated, there continue to be athletes, coaches, and parents who want to win at all costs. This attitude encourages violence and cheating in sport. Think about the lessons learned and the personal growth that can be achieved through participation in sport and physical activity: for example, the development of self-awareness, of interpersonal and communication skills, and of the ability to set goals and/or work as a member of a team. Now consider the notion of winning at all costs. What impact is this having on sport at all levels in our society? What are young children learning? How might this affect involvement in sport? What is the purpose of sport, and what is lost if fair play is not embedded in what we learn through involvement in sport? How might society change its views on
the ‘winning at all costs’ attitude?”
A1.3 describe the scope of physical activity and sport in today’s economy (e.g., economic activity related to professional or recreational sports, tourism, sporting goods and outdoor activity equipment, media, instructional services, facilities), and identify a wide range of career opportunities in re- lated fields (e.g., fitness instructor, health and physical education teacher, health promotion specialist, kinesiologist, physiotherapist, athletic therapist, sports professional, outdoor recreation instructor, wilderness guide, event organizer, dancer, choreographer, sports marketing specialist, fitness trainer, community recreation programmer or leader, holistic health practitioner)
 Introductory Kinesiology

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