Page 144 - The Ontario Curriculum, Grades 9-12: Health and Physical Education, 2015 - revised
P. 144

  Grade 11, Open
C2. Making Healthy Choices
 THE ONTARIO CURRICULUM, GRADES 9–12 | Health and Physical Education
By the end of this course, students will:
Personal Safety and Injury Prevention
C2.1 describe behaviours and strategies (e.g., thinking before acting, making independent decisions, using workplace safety checklists, wearing protective gear, investigating legal requirements, following guidelines, planning before making decisions, using communications skills to sustain respectful and responsible relationships, using refusal and assertiveness skills to question and refuse to participate
in unsafe situations, supporting peers in making safer decisions) that can be applied to make safer choices in a variety of situations and settings (e.g., at school, at home, in the workplace, in the community) and reduce the risk of personal injury or death [PS, IS, CT]
Substance Use, Addictions, and Related Behaviours
C2.2 apply their understanding of the connections between substance use, addictive behaviours, and physical and mental health (e.g., physical illness can lead to drug dependencies; compulsive behaviour can affect physical health and mental well-being; self-medication, substance use, and mental illness sometimes form a mutually reinforcing negative cycle; substances used to lower inhibitions can create health risks; alcohol consumption during pregnancy increases the risk of giving birth to a child with fetal alcohol spectrum disorder [FASD]; substance misuse can sometimes lead to problems with anxiety or depression) to make safer choices about the use of medications, drugs, and other substances and involvement in potentially addictive activities [PS, CT]
Teacher prompt: “What are some of the physical and mental health risks associated with the use of both prescription and over-the-counter drugs? What precautions should we observe when using these drugs?”
Students: “All medications (including vitamins, supplements, diet pills, natural health products, and painkillers) can be dangerous if they are not used according to instructions. Narcotic painkillers, in particular, are often misused as recreational drugs or to relieve feelings of depression. Using these drugs for longer than recommended could lead to addiction. Taking more than the recommended dose could result in respiratory failure, organ damage, or death.” “Prescription drugs can sometimes have harmful physical and mental side-effects. Drugs used to treat mental illnesses, for example, can be ineffective or cause other mental health problems if taken incorrectly. Finding the right medications and the correct dosage can be complicated, so the use of prescription drugs needs to be monitored by a doctor, and patients shouldn’t make changes on their own.”
Human Development and Sexual Health
C2.3 describe how their understanding of factors that affect reproductive and sexual health
(e.g., environmental factors, genetics, injuries, disabilities, hormonal levels, nutrition, substance use, sexually transmitted infections) and their knowledge of proactive health measures and supports (e.g., measures such as breast and testicular examinations, Pap tests, regular medical check-ups, stress
management techniques, genetic testing; supports such as trusted adults, local clinics, a local public health unit, a nurse practitioner/doctor) can be applied to avoid or minimize illness [PS, CT]
Teacher prompt: “Reproductive and sexual health problems can be harmful to other aspects of your health and impair your ability to enjoy a sexual relationship. Reproductive and sexual health is influenced by many factors, including age, genetics, use of medicines, chemicals in the environment, and lifestyle. What can you do to stay healthy from a sexual and reproductive point of view?”
Student: “Anything you do to stay healthy in general – such as eating well, sleeping well, reducing stress, and taking all things in moderation – will also benefit your reproductive and sexual health. Have regular medical check-ups, including breast and testicular exam- inations, Pap tests, and STI tests if you are sexually active with new partners. It’s especially

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