Page 125 - The Ontario Curriculum, Grades 9-12: Health and Physical Education, 2015 - revised
P. 125

hunger. A lot of diets recommend consuming more of one kind of food and less or none of another. We should make sure that any diet we choose is balanced and includes a suffi- cient number of servings from each of the four food groups.”
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Teacher prompt: “Some popular food and beverage choices can pose serious health and safety risks. Can you give me an example? What are some credible tools and resources that you can use to find out if a dietary choice is healthy?”
Student: “High caffeine energy drinks can pose serious risks, especially if you drink a
lot of them or mix them with alcohol. With some of these drinks, it is easy to drink more than the safe amount of caffeine. Too much caffeine can cause anxiety, insomnia, rapid heartbeat, upset stomachs, and other symptoms. Energy drinks are dangerous when com- bined with alcohol. You can find out if your food choices are healthy by reading the food label and consulting Canada’s Food Guide, Health Canada’s website, your local public health unit, or a registered dietitian.”
Personal Safety and Injury Prevention
C2.3 demonstrate the ability to analyse situations involving conflict within oneself (e.g., moral and ethical struggles, decision-making problems) or conflict with others (e.g., arguments, fights) and apply appropriate conflict resolution strategies (e.g., for conflict within oneself: meditation, journal writing, seeking counselling, talking with a trusted adult or friend; for conflict with others: applying de-escalation techniques such as using calming words or taking a break to defuse a tense situation, getting support to respond to dating violence, seeking help from a person in authority)
[PS, IS, CT]
Teacher prompt: “Conflict resolution involves many kinds of skills. Problem-solving and decision-making skills can help us identify the causes of a conflict and create solutions. Assertiveness skills can help us keep a conflict under control. Good communication skills or communication strategies such as active listening (e.g., paraphrasing or summarizing what a person is saying or responding to feelings and non-verbal cues) can also be useful. What are some ways that you can prevent a conflict you are involved in from getting out of hand?”
Students: “It helps to listen carefully, use non-confrontational body language, and give lots of physical space. If I were involved in a conflict, I would try to be aware of what
I was feeling, and I would calm myself by pausing and taking deep breaths, telling my- self I can handle the situation, and stopping negative thoughts before they took over.” “Avoiding conflict in the first place through stress management is a good strategy. As a Cree person, I find that regular smudging connects me to who I am, grounds me, and helps me to manage my feelings.”
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Teacher prompt: “The way you deal with conflict with a person will depend to some ex- tent on your relationship. The way you handle a conflict with a parent may be different from the way you handle conflict with a friend. How would you handle a conflict with someone, such as a teacher or an employer, who is in a position of authority over you?”
Students: “I need to be able to express myself in ways that will be taken seriously, while at the same time showing respect for the other person. In any situation, understanding what might have triggered the conflict is important, as is advocating for myself, thinking calmly and critically, and using assertive communication skills.” “In the case of a conflict with an employer, I would make sure that I know what my rights are. For example, if my boss asks me to do work that is unsafe, I know that I have the legal right to refuse. However, in a situation like that I would first try to resolve the situation without conflict by asking my boss for the proper training or a different job. If my boss still insisted that I do the work, I would need to get support from another adult.”
 Healthy Active Living Education

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