Page 113 - The Ontario Curriculum, Grades 9-12: Health and Physical Education, 2015 - revised
P. 113

contribute to being successful when developing new skills; Healthy Living: explain how paying atten- tion to one’s own emotions and expressing them in a positive way can assist in avoiding a conflict or preventing a conflict from escalating; describe how various coping strategies can be used to enhance their mental health and well-being)
Teacher prompt: “Sometimes when we are angry we say things that we don’t mean, or accuse people of things unfairly, and then feel badly about this later. What strategies can we use to manage these strong emotions and minimize the potential for interpersonal conflict?”
Student: “Taking a deep breath, pausing to reflect before speaking, acknowledging our emotions, and using ‘I’ statements are all strategies that help us to come across in more rational ways when dealing with tense situations.”
Interpersonal Skills (IS)*
1.3 communicate effectively, using verbal or non-verbal means, as appropriate, and interpret information accurately as they participate in physical activities, develop movement competence, and acquire knowledge and skills related to healthy living (e.g., Active Living: use respectful words when communicating with others during activities; Movement Competence: use non-verbal communication, such as making eye contact with a teammate or looking for a target hand when passing an object during a territory game; Healthy Living: demonstrate the ability, through role play, to use refusal skills to deal with potentially challenging situations involving
the illicit use of drugs)
1.4 apply relationship and social skills as they participate in physical activities, develop movement competence, and acquire knowledge and skills related to healthy living to help them interact positively with others, build healthy relationships, and become effective group or team members (e.g., Active Living: support others by encouraging them and/or providing them with assistance when they are participating or learning new skills in a variety of physical activities; Movement Competence: apply appropriate conventions of fair play and etiquette and demonstrate inclusiveness as they participate in a variety of physical activities; Healthy Living: explain why being respectful is an important contributor to maintaining healthy relationships)
Critical and Creative Thinking (CT)*
1.5 use a range of critical and creative thinking skills and processes to assist them in making connections, planning and setting goals, analysing and solving problems, making decisions, and evaluating their choices in connection with learning in health and physical education (e.g., Active Living: explain the connections between active living and personal fitness, and describe the benefits of being active and fit; Movement Competence: evaluate the offensive or defensive strat- egies that they used during various activities, and determine what they could do differently to improve their performance in those activities; Healthy Living: describe how current dietary trends could influence their food choices, and explain the implications of these choices for healthy development
and active living)

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