Page 56 - Guidance Education 11-12 (2006)
P. 56

  Preparation for Transitions and Change
Overall Expectations
By the end of this course, students will:
• identify the possible changes they will encounter in the transition from secondary school to their first postsecondary destination, and develop strategies and resources to manage this transition;
• produce plans for a smooth transition to their selected postsecondary destination;
• applyjob-searchstrategies,tools,andresourcestofindorcreateopportunitiesforworkand for learning about work.
Specific Expectations
Managing Change
By the end of this course, students will:
– describe the challenges (e.g., financial obligations, moving) and opportunities (e.g., job offers, certification courses, re- entry to school) that may occur during their transition from secondary school to new roles and environments (e.g., work, postsecondary education/training, com- munity living);
– use appropriate strategies (e.g., finding per- sonal and financial support, compiling a list of kinds of community support) and iden- tify resources (e.g., key contacts within the family, school, community, and workplace) to assist them with their transition to a postsecondary destination of interest;
– describe how to manage planned changes (e.g., accepting a job offer) and unplanned changes (e.g., non-admission to a post- secondary program, illness) in their learn- ing and work environments.
Planning for Learning and Work
By the end of this course, students will:
– describe the career-planning process (i.e., identify personal interests and attri- butes; investigate education and career opportunities in the school, community, and workplace; decide which opportuni- ties to select; plan the transition) and
develop their postsecondary goals and plans using this process;
– develop, assess, and refine a back-up plan describing the steps they would take and the resources and support they would need to make a smooth transition to their first postsecondary destination;
– identify the financial requirements for their selected postsecondary destination, and produce and implement a plan for managing their finances (e.g., income, expenditures, savings).
Searching for Work
By the end of this course, students will:
– use various job-search strategies (e.g., con- ducting online job searches, developing
a personal network) to find work opportunities;
– document evidence of the knowledge, skills (including workplace essential skills), and work habits that they have acquired
in the workplace or through volunteering, using the Ontario Skills Passport and other tracking tools;
– create effective job-search tools (e.g., job- specific résumé, covering letter, portfolio) that reflect their knowledge, strengths, experience, skills (including workplace essential skills), and work habits for an experiential learning, volunteer, or work opportunity;

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