Page 48 - Guidance Education 11-12 (2006)
P. 48

  Preparation for Transitions and Change
Overall Expectations
By the end of this course, students will:
• evaluatetheirowntransitionskillsandstrategies,andidentifythoserequiringimprovement;
• demonstratetheskillsandstrategiesneededtopreparefortheworksearchprocess;
• demonstrateeffectiveuseofdecision-making,goal-setting,andaction-planningskillsand strategies to prepare for transition to their first postsecondary destination.
Specific Expectations
Transition Skills
By the end of this course, students will:
– identify the successes and challenges of transitions and changes they have experi- enced (e.g., graduating from elementary to secondary school, dealing with changes in family situations, starting a new job);
– describe the challenges (e.g., physical, social, emotional) and the positive experiences that may be part of secondary school stu- dents’ transitions to new roles and environ- ments (e.g., work, postsecondary education/ training, independent adult life);
– analyse ways of thinking and behaving that support successful adjustments to new situations and environments (e.g., positive attitude, supportive team/group attitudes and behaviours, proactive problem solving, self-directed lifelong learning, professional work ethics, punctuality);
– demonstrate effective use of transition management strategies and skills (e.g., managing stress, risk, time, change, and money; becoming familiar with new environments; anticipating challenges) to prepare for their first postsecondary destination.
Work Search
By the end of this course, students will:
– create an up-to-date résumé and cover letter outlining their work skills and expe- riences for use in postsecondary planning;
– demonstrate the ability to prepare and conduct themselves effectively in an inter- view process;
– identify a variety of resources (e.g., per- sonal networks, employment centres, Internet job postings) to identify fields of work and specific job opportunities suited to them;
– maintain an updated portfolio (e.g., including an updated résumé, certifica- tions, relevant assignments, letters of recommendation) as evidence of their learning and skill development.
Planning for Transition
By the end of this course, students will:
– demonstrate an understanding of the per- sonal financial skills that will be required for the future (e.g., budgeting, banking, saving, borrowing money);
– investigate sources and types of financial assistance (e.g., Ontario Student Assistance Program, small business loans, government grants, bursaries) for postsecondary educa- tion/training and identify those appropri- ate to their situations;
– use a decision-making process to produce a plan that addresses their learning and career goals, including the steps they can take to help make a successful transition to their selected postsecondary destination;
– identify viable options to the plan that address anticipated or unexpected chal- lenges (e.g., unsuccessful school or job applications, changes in financial or family circumstances).

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