Page 91 - Growing Success: Assessment, Evaluation and Reporting in Ontario Schools. First Edition, Covering Grades 1 to 12. 2010
P. 91

CHAPTER 10 | credit recovery
8. The teacher of the initial program (the subject teacher) must provide the credit recovery team with relevant information to be considered when placing the student.
9. Programs must be pedagogically sound and have real and credible educational value. The integrity of the recovered credit must be preserved by the student demonstrating achievement of the overall course expectations.
10. Students must have an opportunity to meet course expectations. Students must have an opportunity to demonstrate achieving course expectations in a variety of ways.
11. Within a board’s capacity to deliver credit recovery programs and adhering to the terms and conditions of collective agreements, credit recovery programs should be available to every student in publicly funded schools and are to be delivered by members of the Ontario College of Teachers employed by the board.
12. Eligibility to gain access to a credit recovery program shall be based on a variety of indicators and not solely on a mark designation.
13. The final percentage mark should reflect the achievement of all course expectations. Depending on the student’s credit recovery program, the percentage mark may be based solely on performance in the credit recovery program or may include results from the initial course and/or measures
of prior learning. Regardless of the method used to determine the final percentage mark, the evaluation practices must be consistent with ministry and board policy.
All credit recovery programs must be consistent with the guiding principles outlined above, and must be based on current ministry-approved courses. Locally developed courses and resources that support viable credit recovery and are consistent with the guiding principles should continue to be used and developed.
The Credit Recovery Team
The credit recovery team is a subset of the school’s Student Success team, responsible for determining the placement of students in credit recovery programs. The team convenes periodically, as required to determine placement of a student who has failed a course.
For the purpose of determining whether a student will be placed in a credit recovery program, the credit recovery team must comprise, at a minimum, the school principal (or designate), the Student Success teacher, and the Guidance Head (or designate, where there is no collective agreement provision for a Guidance Head). Where appropriate, other staff, including, for example, professional support staff, subject teachers, credit recovery teachers, a Special Education Head (or designate), and elementary feeder school staff, may be included on the team to inform discussions about individual student placement.

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