Page 82 - Growing Success: Assessment, Evaluation and Reporting in Ontario Schools. First Edition, Covering Grades 1 to 12. 2010
P. 82

When curriculum expectations are modified in order to meet the language-learning needs of English language learners (often referred to as ELLs), assessment and evaluation will be based on the documented modified expectations. This will be noted on the Elementary Progress Report Cards and the elementary and secondary provincial report cards, and will be explained to parents. Teachers, in collaboration with their principals, will determine the most effective way to document the modification of curriculum expectations for English language learners.
Teachers will check the ESL/ELD box on the progress report cards and the provincial report cards to indicate that modifications have been made to curriculum expectations to address the language learning needs of English language learners.
The ESL/ELD box should not be checked to indicate:
• that the student is participating in ESL or ELD programs or courses; or
• that accommodations have been provided to enable the student to demonstrate his or her learning (e.g., extra time to complete assignments, access to a bilingual dictionary, opportunities to work in the student’s first language).
School boards will develop a protocol for identifying English language learners who may also have special education needs. If information from the student’s home country, from initial assessment,
or from early teacher observation indicates that the student may have special education needs, the student will be referred to the appropriate school team. Where special education needs have been identified, either in the initial assessment or through later assessments, students are eligible for ESL or ELD services and special education services simultaneously. The development of an IEP for an English language learner will take into consideration both needs related to language learning and needs related to the student’s exceptionality.
For further information about provisions related to English language learners, see the ministry publication English Language Learners / ESL and ELD Programs and Services: Policies and Procedures for Ontario Elementary and Secondary Schools, Kindergarten to Grade 12, 2007.

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