Page 66 - Growing Success: Assessment, Evaluation and Reporting in Ontario Schools. First Edition, Covering Grades 1 to 12. 2010
P. 66

GROWING SUCCESS | assessment, evaluation, and reporting in Ontario schools
Grades 9 to 12
Report the course median for each course. All students who are taking the course should be included in the calculation of the median for the course.
Credits Earned: Grades 9 to 12
In the “Credit Earned” column, record the number of credits earned (normally “1” or “0.5”, for full and half-credit courses, respectively) for each course that the student has completed successfully.
If the credit has not been earned, enter a zero (0).
If a student withdraws from a course, enter a “W” in the “Credit Earned” column of the report card(s) issued subsequent to the withdrawal. For students (including students with an Individual Education Plan) who withdraw from a Grade 11 or 12 course more than five instructional days after the first report card is issued in a semestered school, or more than five instructional days after the second report card is issued in a non-semestered school, also enter the student’s percentage mark at the time of withdrawal in the “Percentage Mark” column.
“SHSM” Box: Grades 11 and 12
Check this box on the first and final report card for semestered courses, and on the first, second, and final report card for non-semestered courses, when a student is taking the course as a credit towards a Specialist High Skills Major.
“French” Box
Check this box if the student receives instruction in French for the course.
Completion of Requirements for Graduation (Grades 9 to 12)
The “Completion of Requirements for Graduation” page is included only with the final secondary report. It must be completed as follows:
In the “Earned This Report” column, record the number of compulsory credits the student has earned in this reporting period, by subject, as listed in the left-hand column, as well as the number of optional credits and the total number of credits earned. Add these figures to the cumulative totals given in the “Earned to Date” column of last year’s or last semester’s final report card, and record the results in the “Earned to Date” column.

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