Page 54 - Growing Success: Assessment, Evaluation and Reporting in Ontario Schools. First Edition, Covering Grades 1 to 12. 2010
P. 54

A Note to Readers: The policy on reporting student achievement is presented in this chapter
by topic rather than by panel (elementary/secondary). This organization of policy information provides educators with a perspective on continuities and differences in policy from Grade 1 through Grade 12, and helps to avoid a great deal of repetition. The following detailed contents of the chapter is provided to guide readers to discussions of the topics and the grades that are
of particular interest to them.
A Detailed Contents of This Chapter
Report Card Requirements 49 Ontario Student Record (OSR) 49 Ontario Student Transcript (OST) 49
Versions of the Reports 50 Elementary Progress Report Card 50 Elementary Provincial Report Card 51 Provincial Report Card, Grades 9–12 51
Reporting Schedules 53 Elementary Schools 53 Secondary Schools 53
Completing Basic Information for All Reports 54 Opening Section 54 Attendance and Punctuality 54 Elementary Provincial Report Cards – “Grade in September” 54
Reporting on Students’ Development of Learning Skills and Work Habits:
Elementary and Secondary 55
Reporting on Achievement of Curriculum Expectations: Elementary and Secondary 56 Elementary Progress Report Cards: Grades 1 to 8 56 Provincial Report Card: Grades 1 to 6 56 Provincial Report Cards: Grades 7 to 12 56
Completing the Provincial Report Cards: Grades 1 to 8 – Subjects and Strands 57
Completing the Provincial Report Cards: Grades 7 to 12 59
Special Considerations and Comments in the Reports: Elementary and Secondary 61 Students With Special Education Needs 61 English Language Learners 63 Teacher, Student, and Parent Comments 64

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