Page 50 - Growing Success: Assessment, Evaluation and Reporting in Ontario Schools. First Edition, Covering Grades 1 to 12. 2010
P. 50

GROWING SUCCESS | assessment, evaluation, and reporting in Ontario schools
Grades 1 to 6: In Grades 1 to 6, late and missed assignments for evaluation will be noted on the report card as part of the evaluation of the student’s development of the learning skills and work habits. When appropriate, a student’s tendency to be late in submitting, or to fail to submit, other assignments (including homework) may also be noted on the report card as part of the evaluation of the student’s development of the learning skills and work habits.
Grades 7 to 12: Individual boards will work collaboratively with their schools and communities to develop policy for dealing with late and missed assignments for evaluation for students in Grades 7 to 12, and board policy will be implemented consistently in all schools in the board. Board policies must align with the policies outlined in the present document.
It is expected that teachers and school teams will use a variety of strategies, as described above, to ensure that students submit their assignments for evaluation and meet timelines. Late and missed assignments for evaluation will also be noted on the report card as part of the evaluation of a student’s development of the learning skills and work habits. When appropriate, a student’s tendency to be late in submitting, or to fail to submit, other assignments (including homework) may also be noted on the report card as part of the evaluation of the student’s development of the learning skills and work habits.
School board policies relating to late and missed assignments for evaluation will:
• describe how schools will inform students and their parents about the importance of submitting assignments for evaluation when they are due and about the consequences for students who submit assignments late or fail to submit assignments;
• recognize that policies and procedures should be designed to motivate and facilitate completion of work and demonstration of learning and, where appropriate and possible, allow for additional and/or alternative opportunities to do so;
• recognize that it is the responsibility of the classroom teacher, preferably in collaboration with students, to establish deadlines for the submission of assignments for evaluation and clearly communicate those deadlines to students and, where appropriate, to parents;
• ensure that mark deduction will not result in a percentage mark that, in the professional judgement of the teacher, misrepresents the student’s actual achievement;
• provide clear procedures for determining a percentage mark for the report card for a student who has failed to submit one or more assignments for evaluation on time or at all.
Evaluating the Development of Learning Skills and Work Habits for Grades 1 to 12
For Grades 1 to 12, two distinct but related aspects of student achievement are evaluated: (1) the achievement of curriculum expectations, and (2) the development of learning skills and work habits.

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