Page 38 - Growing Success: Assessment, Evaluation and Reporting in Ontario Schools. First Edition, Covering Grades 1 to 12. 2010
P. 38

GROWING SUCCESS | assessment, evaluation, and reporting in Ontario schools
An Assessment Framework
The research on effective assessment locates assessment for learning and as learning within a framework of three key processes and five strategies that teachers and students use collaboratively to support student learning.
The three processes, as identified by Ramaprasad in Black and Wiliam (p. 7), are:
• establishing where the learners are going in their learning;
• establishing where they are in their learning;
• establishing what needs to be done to get them to where they are going.
The five strategies, adapted from Black and Wiliam (p. 8), are:
• identifying and clarifying learning goals and success criteria;
• engineering effective classroom discussions and other learning tasks that elicit information about student learning;
• providing feedback that helps learners move forward;
• through targeted instruction and guidance, engaging students as learning resources for one another;
• through targeted instruction and guidance, helping students understand what it means to “own” their own learning, and empowering them to do so.
Table 4.2 outlines the framework and shows both the relationship among the processes and strategies and the collaborative student-teacher relationship.
Table 4.2 Assessment Framework: Processes and Strategies in a Collaborative Relationship
       Where the learner is going
Where the learner is now
What the learner needs to get there
Identifying and clarifying learning goals and success criteria
Engineering effective classroom discussions and other learning tasks that elicit information about student learning
• Providing descriptive feedback that moves learners forward (i.e., outlining what was done well, what needs improvement, and how
to improve)
• Engaging students as learning resources for one another
• Empowering students to become owners of their own learning
Understanding and sharing learning goals and success criteria
Engaging in peer assessment and feedback
Understanding learning goals and success criteria
Engaging in self-assessment and goal setting
     Source: Adapted from Black & Wiliam, p. 8.

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