Page 28 - Growing Success: Assessment, Evaluation and Reporting in Ontario Schools. First Edition, Covering Grades 1 to 12. 2010
P. 28

GROWING SUCCESS | assessment, evaluation, and reporting in Ontario schools
  Level 1
Level 2
  Level 3
 Level 4
  Knowledge and Understanding – Subject-specific content acquired in each grade (knowledge), and the comprehension of its meaning and significance (understanding)
 The student:
Knowledge of content
(e.g., facts; terminology; definitions; safe use of tools, equipment, and materials)
demonstrates limited knowledge of content
demonstrates some knowledge of content
demonstrates considerable knowledge of content
demonstrates thorough knowledge of content
Understanding of content
(e.g., concepts, ideas, theories, principles, procedures, processes)
demonstrates limited understanding of content
demonstrates some understanding of content
demonstrates considerable understanding of content
demonstrates thorough understanding of content
  Thinking and Investigation – The use of critical and creative thinking skills and inquiry and problem- solving skills and/or processes
 The student:
Use of initiating and plan- ning skills and strategies (e.g., formulating questions, identifying the problem, developing hypotheses, scheduling, selecting strategies and resources, developing plans)
uses initiating and planning skills and strategies with limited effectiveness
uses initiating and planning skills and strategies with some effectiveness
uses initiating and planning skills and strategies with considerable effectiveness
uses initiating and planning skills and strategies with a high degree of effectiveness
Use of processing skills and strategies (e.g., performing and recording, gathering evidence and data, observing, manipulating materials
and using equipment safely, solving equations, proving)
uses processing skills and strategies
with limited effectiveness
uses processing skills and strategies
with some effectiveness
uses processing skills and strategies with considerable effectiveness
uses processing skills and strategies with a high degree of effectiveness
Use of critical/creative thinking processes,
skills, and strategies
(e.g., analysing, interpreting, problem solving, evaluating, forming and justifying conclusions on the basis
of evidence)
uses critical/ creative thinking processes, skills, and strategies with limited effectiveness
uses critical/ creative thinking processes, skills, and strategies with some effectiveness
uses critical/ creative thinking processes, skills, and strategies with considerable effectiveness
uses critical/ creative thinking processes, skills, and strategies with a high degree of effectiveness
  Communication – The conveying of meaning through various forms
 The student:
Expression and organization of ideas
and information (e.g., clear expression, logical organization) in oral, visual, and/or written forms (e.g., diagrams, models)
expresses and organizes ideas and information with limited effectiveness
  expresses and organizes ideas and information with some effectiveness
 expresses and organizes ideas and information with considerable effectiveness
expresses and organizes ideas and information with a high degree of effectiveness

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