Page 151 - Growing Success: Assessment, Evaluation and Reporting in Ontario Schools. First Edition, Covering Grades 1 to 12. 2010
P. 151

   contract. An agreement between a teacher and a student (or a group of students) on issues related to learning, assessment, and evaluation.
cooperative education. A program that allows students to earn secondary school credits while completing a work placement in the community. A cooperative education course must be based on
a related course (or courses) from an Ontario curriculum policy document or on a ministry-approved locally developed course in which a student is enrolled or which the student has successfully completed. Cooperative education courses include a classroom component, comprising pre-placement and integration activities, and a placement component. Two cooperative education credits may count towards the eighteen compulsory credits required for the Ontario Secondary School Diploma. There is no limit to the number of cooperative education credits a student may count as optional credits.
credit. Recognition for the successful completion of a course for which a minimum of 110 hours has been scheduled. A credit is granted to a student by the principal of a secondary school on behalf of the Minister of Education.
credit recovery. A process to enable students who have failed a course to earn a credit for the course. Students who have completed a provincially approved course within the last two years and who received a failing grade for that course may be approved to recover the course through the credit recovery process. Students may recover credit only for the course taken and failed (and not, for example, for a course of a different type in the same subject and grade). Students who withdraw from a course are not eligible to recover it through the credit recovery process.
credit recovery learning plan. A plan for credit recovery, developed by the credit recovery teacher in consultation with the student, outlining instructional practice and content and addressing the individual student’s needs and other matters such as attendance, workload expectations, identification of the course expectations and related units of study to be included in the program, description of the
30 per cent final evaluation, and final mark determination.
credit recovery team. A subset of the school’s Student Success team, including the principal or designate, the Student Success teacher, and the guidance head (or designate). Other teachers and support staff may participate as required on the credit recovery team.
criterion-referenced assessment. Assessment that focuses on whether a student’s performance meets a predetermined standard, level, or set of criteria rather than on the student’s performance measured in relation to the performance of other students.
culture. The way in which people live, think, and define themselves as a community.

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