Page 368 - The Ontario Curriculum, Grades 9 to 12: French as a Second Language – Core, Extended, and Immersion, 2014
P. 368

 Grade 12, Open
THE ONTARIO CURRICULUM, GRADES 9–12 | French as a Second Language: Immersion
present a counter-argument to one of the points of view heard in a video conference on a social issue; identify bias in a documentary on a current issue; identify alternative points of view in various media interviews about a current issue; evaluate the use of persuasive techniques in a documentary on an environmental issue of concern to Aboriginal people in Canada; assess the portrayal of stereotypes, gender roles, and celebrities in various television advertisements; listen to media coverage of a global event from various regions, including Canada, and explain how the reports reveal the interests and values of each region)
Teacher prompts: “De quelle façon une bande sonore représente-t-elle l’intrigue, les thèmes et les personnages d’un film?” “Dans quelle mesure les préjugés influencent-ils la façon dont les informations sont présentées dans un docu- mentaire?” “Comment les médias peuvent-ils influencer votre perception des autres cultures et de la vôtre?” “Dans quelle mesure pouvez- vous vous fier aux médias pour vous donner les nouvelles sans préjugés?”
Instructional tips:
(1) Teachers can encourage students to listen for impersonal expressions followed by the infinitif in advertisements (e.g., “Il faut acheter ce produit”, “Il est nécessaire d’utiliser ce service”).
(2) Teachers can suggest that students use the conditionnel présent and conditionnel passé when responding to the portrayal of stereotypes and gender roles in the media (e.g., “Il faudrait agir sur l’image du corps : apposition d’un logo ‘photo retouchée’ sur les clichés montrant des adolescents au corps parfait. Dans les publicités qu’on vient de regarder, ils auraient pu utiliser des personnes de toutes races, des deux sexes et de tous âges dans des milieux, des métiers et des activités non stéréotypés”).
A2. Listening to Interact
By the end of this course, students will:
A2.1 Using Interactive Listening Strategies: identify and use a range of interactive listening strategies to suit a variety of situations while participating in social interactions and inter- actions about everyday matters (e.g., express interest in another student’s presentation by commenting and asking relevant questions; in a small-group discussion, make relevant comments and paraphrase a speaker’s point before responding to it)
Teacher prompts: “De quelle façon l’emploi de la paraphrase facilite-t-il la compréhension d’un message entendu?” “Une discussion
peut prendre diverses formes : À votre avis, quelles sont ces formes? Avec laquelle êtes-vous le plus confortable? Pourquoi?” “Quelles sont les qualités d’une question pertinente?” “Dans quelle mesure les questions posées par un pair vous aident-elles à comprendre ce que quelqu’un dit et à prolonger la discussion?”
Instructional tip: Teachers can encourage students to use indirect discourse when para- phrasing others’ arguments (e.g., “Il a dit qu’il n’était pas d’accord...”).
A2.2 Interacting: respond with understanding to what others say while participating in sustained interactions about a variety of topics, in formal and informal situations (e.g., debate the validity of statements about human nature heard in an oral text; ask a guest speaker questions to clarify their understanding of his or her presentation about starting a business; role-play a conversation between a salesperson and a complaining customer; acknowledge other views while asserting a dissenting opinion in a small-group discussion about suitable attire for and behaviour in a job interview; praise a peer or a guest speaker following a presentation)
Teacher prompts: “Comment pouvez-vous écouter poliment le point de vue de quelqu’un même si vous n’êtes pas d’accord?” “Quels types de questions pouvez-vous poser afin de solliciter l’information nécessaire pour demander un prêt bancaire pour votre projet?” “Comment formulez-vous une réfutation efficace et respectueuse lors d’une discussion?”
Instructional tip: Teachers can direct students to listen for and use expressions of polite disagreement (e.g., “Je comprends ce que tu dis, mais...”, “D’accord, as-tu considéré...?”).
A2.3 Metacognition:
(a) explain which of a variety of strategies they found helpful before, during, and after listening; (b) evaluate their areas of greater and lesser strength as listeners, and plan steps they can take to improve their listening skills (e.g., monitor their comprehension of oral texts to gain self- confidence; explain their most effective listening strategy; analyse how the environment in which
they are listening affects their comprehension; identify which strategy best helps them to recall previous knowledge before and while listening; share listening strategies/behaviours with a partner to improve their ability to participate in different types of conversation, such as a debriefing, a debate, or a coaching session)
Teacher prompts: “Comment vérifiez-vous que les stratégies utilisées à la compréhension de l’oral ont été efficaces?” “Comment déterminez- vous ce qui est important à retenir pendant le

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