Page 357 - The Ontario Curriculum, Grades 9 to 12: French as a Second Language – Core, Extended, and Immersion, 2014
P. 357

 B3.2 Awareness of Sociolinguistic Conventions: identify sociolinguistic conventions associated with a variety of social situations in diverse French-speaking communities, and use them appropriately in spoken interactions (e.g., respond to and use jokes appropriately in a variety of settings; use regional expressions and vocabulary appropriately in dialogues; use expressions of politeness from various regions)
Teacher prompts: “Comment l’humour, le sarcasme et les blagues sont-ils souvent une réflexion des valeurs et mœurs d’une culture?” “De quelle façon les expressions et les normes de politesse diffèrent-elles selon la région?” “Comment pouvez-vous vous assurer que vous ne violez pas les normes de politesse?”
Instructional tips:
(1) Teachers can suggest that students describe customs related to courtesy in various French- speaking regions and make connections to customs in their own community (e.g., in formal greetings in Senegal, people are addressed by their academic or professional title in French and their surname or first name; in France, the use of first names is reserved for family and close friends, and the formal “vous” is used rather the informal “tu” unless a person is invited to use “tu” or someone’s first name).
(2) Teachers can suggest that students research and use regional expressions, vocabulary, and humour (e.g., if it is raining, the answer to “C’est quel temps?” could be “C’est du mauvais temps, maître”).
French Immersion

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