Page 35 - The Ontario Curriculum, Grades 9 to 12: French as a Second Language – Core, Extended, and Immersion, 2014
P. 35

Level 1
Level 2
Level 3
Level 4
      Communication (continued)
          Communication for different audiences (e.g., self, peers, teacher, community members) and purposes (e.g., to interact, discuss, collaborate; to inform, raise awareness, explain, instruct; to entertain, perform; to persuade; to express feelings and ideas; to solve problems) in oral, visual, and/or written forms
communicates for different audiences
and purposes with limited effectiveness
uses conventions, vocabulary, and terminology of the discipline with limited effectiveness
communicates for different audiences
and purposes with some effectiveness
uses conventions, vocabulary, and terminology of the discipline with some effectiveness
communicates for different audiences and purposes with considerable effectiveness
communicates for different audiences and purposes with a high degree of effectiveness
uses conventions, vocabulary, and terminology of the discipline with a high degree of effectiveness
      Use of conventions, vocabulary, and terminology of the discipline in oral, visual, and/or written forms (e.g., elements of style and usage; phrasing and punctuation conventions; appropriate language conventions in particular social and cultural contexts)
uses conventions, vocabulary, and terminology of the discipline with considerable effectiveness
  Application – The use of knowledge and skills to make connections within and between various contexts
          Application of knowledge and skills (e.g., strategies, concepts, processes) in familiar contexts
applies knowledge and skills in familiar contexts with limited effectiveness
transfers knowledge and skills to new contexts
with limited effectiveness
makes connections within and between various contexts with limited effectiveness
applies knowledge and skills in familiar contexts with some effectiveness
transfers knowledge and skills to new contexts
with some effectiveness
makes connections within and between various contexts with some effectiveness
applies knowledge and skills in familiar contexts with considerable effectiveness
applies knowledge and skills in familiar contexts with a high degree of effectiveness
transfers knowledge and skills to new contexts with a high degree of effectiveness
makes connections within and between various contexts with a high degree of effectiveness
      Transfer of knowledge and skills (e.g., strategies, concepts, processes) to new contexts
transfers knowledge and skills to new contexts with considerable effectiveness
      Making connections within and between various contexts (e.g., between personal, global, cultural, historical, and/or environmental contexts; between French and other languages; between the school and other social contexts)
makes connections within and between various contexts with considerable effectiveness
       The student:
 The student:

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