Page 333 - The Ontario Curriculum, Grades 9 to 12: French as a Second Language – Core, Extended, and Immersion, 2014
P. 333

 D2.2 Drafting and Revising: plan and produce drafts and revise their work using a variety of teacher-directed and independent strategies (e.g., refer to an editing checklist during the peer editing process; identify sentences that are out of place and move them to improve the flow of ideas; reread early drafts, adding and reordering infor- mation to improve organization; check for bias and ensure that their language and ideas are inclusive and non-discriminatory; consider whether someone from a different background would be able to understand their descriptions)
Teacher prompts: “Dans quelle mesure les idées ou les attitudes exprimées dans votre texte supportent-elles votre thèse adéquatement?” “Pourquoi est-il important de relire votre texte plusieurs fois avant de le soumettre?” “Pourquoi est-il important d’avoir une nouvelle perspec- tive quand vous faites vérifier votre travail?” “Comment pouvez-vous vous assurer que votre production écrite ne contient pas de préjugés, d’affirmations non fondées, de vocabulaire sexiste ou raciste?”
Instructional tips:
(1) Teachers can direct students’ attention to verbs whose meaning depends on the prepos- ition that follows them (e.g., “penser à/de”, “croire à/en”, “manquer à/de”).
(2) Teachers can encourage students to use temporal indicators such as “tout de suite”, “en ce moment”, “dans”, “il y a”, and “depuis” to help ensure clear sequencing.
(3) Teachers can ask students to use the perfect participle when describing either a condition in the past or an action that took place before another one (e.g., “Ayant bien travaillé, il a réussi à tous ses examens”, “Étant partie de bonne heure, ma mère a dû conduire seule”).
D2.3 Producing Finished Work: make improve- ments to enhance the clarity and readability of their written work, and use various elements
of effective presentation to produce a polished product for publication (e.g., check written text for accuracy, consistency, and clarity; reread the final draft to ensure appropriate use of form, style, and conventions; determine whether their work would benefit from a cover page, headings, labelled diagrams, illustrations, or photographs; publish their work using a word-processing program)
Teacher prompts: “Comment vous sentez-vous devant les erreurs qui se trouvent dans les écrits professionnels publiés?” “Comment corrigez- vous les erreurs que vous commettez le plus fréquemment dans votre travail?” “Comment les ressources technologiques vous aident-elles à améliorer votre style d’écriture et vos structures grammaticales?”
Instructional tips:
(1) Teachers can suggest that students read their text aloud to listen for mistakes.
(2) Teachers can encourage students to use indefinite pronouns, such as “plusieurs”, “quiconque”, “certains”, and “aucun”, when the subject of a sentence is unspecified (e.g., “Plusieurs ne sont pas venus”, “Quiconque jettera des papiers sales sur le trottoir aura une amende de cent dollars”, “Certains sont même partis avant la fin du spectacle”).
D2.4 Metacognition:
(a) explain which of a variety of strategies they found helpful before, during, and after writing to communicate effectively;
(b) evaluate their areas of greater and lesser strength as writers, and plan steps they can take to improve their writing skills (e.g., assess the value of whole-group brainstorming in gener- ating ideas for writing; evaluate the usefulness of the resources they used in correcting their work; articulate the benefits of the various processes
used to plan writing projects; select the most useful self-correcting techniques and comment on their use in a personal reflection log; reflect on how they used success and/or task criteria to guide their writing, and assess the importance of having clear criteria for a writing task)
Teacher prompts: “Quelles ressources consultez- vous pour vérifier les informations et les actualités?” “Expliquez les avantages de différents processus d’écriture utilisés pour une production écrite” “Comment pouvez- vous déterminer quelles stratégies étaient les plus efficaces durant la tâche d’écriture?”
Instructional tip: Teachers can suggest that students share with peers a strategy or technique that they have found helpful in writing effective introductions and conclusions.
D3. Intercultural Understanding
By the end of this course, students will:
D3.1 Intercultural Awareness: in their written work, communicate information about French- speaking communities worldwide, including aspects of their cultures and their contributions to la francophonie and the world, and make connections to personal experiences and their own and other communities (e.g., in the role
of tourists visiting a French-speaking community outside North America, write observations in a diary; in a small group, research an environmental
issue on websites from different French-speaking countries, and write a report analysing how cultural perspectives influence the presentation of the issue; plan and budget for a trip to a French-speaking
French Immersion

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