Page 322 - The Ontario Curriculum, Grades 9 to 12: French as a Second Language – Core, Extended, and Immersion, 2014
P. 322

 Grade 11, University Preparation
 THE ONTARIO CURRICULUM, GRADES 9–12 | French as a Second Language: Immersion
adjectives and present participles that are pronounced the same (e.g., “un enfant négligent”/”un enfant négligeant ses respon- sabilités”, “un argument peu convaincant”/ ”un argument ne convainquant personne”).
(2) Teachers can draw students’ attention to the use of the passé simple rather than the passé composé in a literary text.
(3) Teachers can direct students to distinguish between metaphors and similes when listening to literary texts (e.g., metaphor: “Ma jeunesse ne fut qu’un ténébreux orage” – Baudelaire, “L’Ennemie”; simile: “Et les rayons, ainsi que de pourpres épées” – Émile Nelligan, “La Romance du vin”).
A1.3 Responding to and Evaluating Media Texts: evaluate the effectiveness of the treatment and presentation of ideas and information in a variety of oral media texts in French about a variety of topics (e.g., comment on the purpose and effectiveness of flashbacks in a film adaptation of a French novel; interpret and explain the perspective expressed in a song; analyse the language in a news broadcast for words or phrases that over- generalize or contain stereotypes about race, gender, culture, or ability; determine the characteristics of an effective commercial by listening to a variety
of commercials; explain how the audio elements enhance the message in a documentary on sustain- able development; identify the social changes advocated by a public service announcement
and analyse the arguments presented; in pairs, evaluate the appropriateness of content in a non-visual media conversation, such as a web conference or a radio interview; in a small group, compare two television advertisements for similar products, and determine what information is present and what is missing)
Teacher prompts: “Comment les expériences de vie de l’auteur sont-elles reflétées dans la chanson?” “Comment la culture populaire est-elle visible dans les nouvelles présentées?” “Comment les images mentales, les messages implicites de l’annonce et le thème principal influencent-ils le message que vous percevez en écoutant cette annonce?”
Instructional tip: Teachers can encourage students to use expressions of emotion (e.g., “ça me plaît”, “ça ne me dit rien”, “ça me contrarie”, “c’est bien”) followed by “de” and the infinitif when discussing their impressions of commercials.
A2. Listening to Interact
By the end of this course, students will:
A2.1 Using Interactive Listening Strategies: identify and use a range of interactive listening strategies to suit a variety of situations while participating in academic and social interactions (e.g., summarize an issue in a news report and
ask peers their opinion on the issue; paraphrase ideas expressed by peers; express agreement or disagreement during discussions)
Teacher prompts: “Comment pouvez-vous montrer votre compréhension à la question soulevée dans les actualités?” “Que proposez- vous pour faire avancer la discussion en cas d’impasse ou de conflit?” “Comment intégrez- vous les informations entendues d’un partenaire dans vos commentaires pour lui donner une rétroaction appropriée?”
Instructional tip: Teachers can encourage students to listen for and use verbs followed by prepositions (e.g., “penser à”, “croire à/en”, “rêver de”, “décider de”, “agir sur”) during conversations.
A2.2 Interacting: respond with understanding to what others say while participating in sustained interactions about a variety of topics, including literary and other challenging topics, in formal and informal situations (e.g., after hearing a news report, role-play in pairs a reporter interviewing
a witness for additional details; listen to several travel presentations, network to exchange opinions, and make a reasoned argument to justify their choice of the best place to travel; interview a local politician about his or her environmental platform; improvise a dialogue between a client and a banker about investments; support and defend personal opinions in a class debate about the themes of literary works under study; contribute to a discussion about a poem read in class)
Teacher prompts: “Pourquoi est-il avantageux d’écouter diverses perspectives à propos d’un même sujet?” “Comment vous préparez-vous pour une interview avec un politicien ou pour un débat en classe?” “Comment participez-vous activement à des discussions formelles pour exprimer, justifier et défendre votre opinion?” “Comment maintenez-vous une conversation sur l’investissement au Canada?”
Instructional tips:
(1) Teachers can suggest that, during role play, students use conditional sentences to express consequences (e.g., “Si j’avais une bonne somme

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