Page 301 - The Ontario Curriculum, Grades 9 to 12: French as a Second Language – Core, Extended, and Immersion, 2014
P. 301

By the end of this course, students will:
 D1. Purpose, Audience, and Form: write French texts for different purposes and audiences, using a variety of forms and knowledge of language structures and conventions of written French appropriate for this level;
D2. The Writing Process: use the stages of the writing process – including pre-writing, producing drafts, revising, editing, and publishing – to develop and organize content, clarify ideas and expression, correct errors, and present their work effectively;
D3. Intercultural Understanding: in their written work, demonstrate an awareness of aspects of culture in diverse French-speaking communities and other communities around the world, and of the appropriate use of French sociolinguistic conventions in a variety of situations.
D1. Purpose, Audience, and Form
By the end of this course, students will:
D1.1 Identifying Purpose and Audience: determine their purpose in writing and the audience for French texts they plan to create (e.g., to explore ways in which form can affect meaning by analysing, in an academic essay, how a literary story and a fable, poem, and/or song treat the same theme or issue; to express an opinion about respecting the religious beliefs of others, especially when they are different from one’s own; to highlight local attractions in an informative letter to a potential exchange student; to report
for the school’s online newsletter on community fundraising for a good cause; to survey and report on community attitudes towards reducing waste and conserving natural resources; to blog persuasively on a controversial issue)
Teacher prompts: “Quel style d’écriture utiliseriez-vous pour exprimer votre opinion?” “Pourquoi est-il important de savoir à qui un article de journal est adressé avant de le rédiger?” “Comment devez-vous vous préparer pour développer un questionnaire révélateur dans un sondage?”
Instructional tip: Teachers can encourage students to construct respectful survey questions on saving energy at home, using
inversion with the conditionnel présent (e.g., “Éteindriez-vous la lumière quand vous quittez une pièce?”, “Pratiqueriez-vous le tri sélectif chez vous?”, “Comment utiliseriez-vous moins d’eau pour votre toilette?”, “Quels produits certifiés respectueux de l’environnement vos parents achèteraient-ils chaque semaine?”).
D1.2 Writing in a Variety of Forms: write a variety of French texts to convey information, ideas, and opinions about academic and familiar topics, including literary topics, applying their knowledge of the structural and stylistic elements of each form (e.g., a supported opinion essay using a variety of literary devices such as metaphors, rhetorical questions, and contrast; a critical analysis of news reports on uranium mining in Canada, paying particular attention to word choice and sentence variety; a short story from the point of view of a young person growing up in Canada, with an emphasis on use of imagery; a vivid description of a natural disaster in a form that will raise awareness of the tragedy; a report on how effectively the Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms supports French-language rights; a journal entry on how ideas and images in various media affect their attitudes towards social and cultural norms, lifestyle, and gender roles)
Teacher prompts: “Comment est-ce que les différentes formes de texte empêchent ou inspirent la créativité?” “Comment utilisez-vous
French Immersion

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