Page 281 - The Ontario Curriculum, Grades 9 to 12: French as a Second Language – Core, Extended, and Immersion, 2014
P. 281

 the impact of climate change on the environment; recite a rehearsed poem, speech, or mini-talk with expression and varying the speed of their delivery; use contractions, elisions, and liaisons appropriately)
Teacher prompts: “Qu’est-ce que ‘parler couramment’ le français? Est-ce ‘parler parfaitement’? Justifiez votre réponse.” “Quelle est la meilleure stratégie pour vous aider à parler couramment le français?”
Instructional tip: Teachers can encourage students to incorporate certain expressions into their description of routines (e.g., “Chaque soir, chez moi, on passe à table ensemble”,
“Il faut nettoyer...”, “Il faut ranger...”, “Il faut faire...”, “Selon moi, l’idéal est...”).
B1.4 Creating Media Texts: create a variety of oral media texts in French about familiar topics, using forms, conventions, and techniques appropriate to the purpose and audience (e.g., use role play or drama in a video to compare two different perspectives on a current issue; record a public service announcement about environmental choices; create a radio or television commercial for a product or service; deliver a multimedia presentation about the role of music and dance
in contemporary First Nations, Métis, or Inuit communities)
Teacher prompts: “Avec un partenaire discutez comment vous allez créer une scène dramatique pour présenter votre sujet.” “Quels éléments rendent une publicité efficace et facile à écouter?” “Quel est le rôle des annonces dans notre société contemporaine?”
Instructional tip: Teachers can suggest that students use expressions of quantity and partitives in their commercials to influence their audience (e.g., “la plupart”, “la majorité”, “la minorité”, “environ”, “davantage”, “tellement”, “La plupart des adolescents aiment...”).
B1.5 Applying Language Structures: communi- cate their meaning clearly, using parts of speech and word order appropriately (e.g., identify
the differences in meaning of synonymous nouns, adjectives, verbs, and adverbs; express feelings, desires, or suggestions in a conversation using
the conditionnel)
Teacher prompts: “Tous les synonymes sont égaux, mais pas identiques : Que pensez-vous de cette phrase? Êtes-vous d’accord? Pourquoi?” “Comment exprimez-vous des émotions ou des désirs?”
Instructional tip: Teachers can demonstrate how to express desires or suggestions in a conversation using the conditionnel présent of common verbs such as “vouloir”, “pouvoir”,
“devoir” (e.g., “Tu pourrais m’aider, s’il te plaît?”, “Tu ne devrais pas manger trop de chocolat, cela te rend malade!”).
B2. Speaking to Interact
By the end of this course, students will:
B2.1 Using Speaking Interaction Strategies: demonstrate an understanding of appropriate speaking behaviour when interacting with others in a variety of guided and structured situations (e.g., ask questions to stimulate discussion or for clarification; during small-group activities, use expressions of politeness when contributing ideas, encouraging others to participate, expressing agreement and disagreement, and seeking clarifica- tion; maintain and refer to a personal lexicon of common expressions and phrases that can be helpful in a variety of exchanges)
Teacher prompts: “Comment vous assurez-vous que les membres de votre groupe vous écoutent et sont intéressés à ce que vous dites?” “Quelles questions pourriez-vous poser pour maintenir l’intérêt de votre public?” “Comment peut-on aider et soutenir les autres pendant une discus- sion de groupe?”
Instructional tip: To help students participate in group discussions, teachers can model phrases that can be used to express opinions, agreement, disagreement, and a need for clarification (e.g., “À mon avis...”, “Je pense que...”, “Je crois que...”, “Je trouve que...”, “Je suis d’accord parce que...”, “Tu as raison”, “Absolument”, “Je ne suis pas d’accord parce que...”, “Tu as tort”, “Si je peux me permettre...”, “Pardon de t’interrompre”, “Je ne comprends pas, peux-tu le répéter, s’il te plaît?”).
B2.2 Interacting: engage in guided and structured spoken interactions in French (prepared and spontaneous), in a variety of contexts, about everyday matters and familiar topics (e.g., with a partner, discuss characteristics of successful people and then survey classmates on their criteria for success; role-play a situation where negotiation
is required; converse with peers about personal interests; in small groups, discuss a local environ- mental or financial issue affecting the community and propose some solutions; role-play a telephone conversation in which they give a peer clear directions to a place he or she has never been)
Teacher prompts: “À votre avis, qu’est-ce qui motive les élèves à travailler fort à l’école? Pourquoi?” “Comment demandez-vous et donnez-vous des renseignements personnels?” “Comment négociez-vous le couvre-feu avec vos parents?” “Proposez des solutions pour
French Immersion

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