Page 265 - The Ontario Curriculum, Grades 9 to 12: French as a Second Language – Core, Extended, and Immersion, 2014
P. 265

 B1.3 Speaking with Fluency: speak with a smooth pace, appropriate intonation, and accuracy
in communications in French (prepared and spontaneous) about academic and familiar topics, including literary topics (e.g., deliver an oral presentation at a smooth pace with appropriate phrasing and emphasis; make themselves clearly understood in exchanges with a partner; without long pauses, communicate the theme of a film; recognize and correct anglicisms as they speak;
use appropriate words to link ideas and sentences smoothly; use a variety of sentence structures to create a smooth flow; leave a clear, lengthy message on an answering machine with minimal hesitation)
Teacher prompts: “Pourquoi est-il important de répéter plusieurs fois votre présentation avant de la faire devant toute la classe?” “Comment communiquez-vous efficacement sans trop d’hésitation?” “Comment évite-t-on les anglicismes en parlant français?”
Instructional tip: Teachers can encourage students to consult the dictionary to help them to avoid anglicisms (e.g., to say “Tu t’entraînes en vue d’un tournoi” rather than “Tu pratiques...”; “être dans un avion” rather than “...sur...”; “logiciel” rather than “software”).
B1.4 Creating Media Texts: create a variety of oral media texts in French about academic and familiar topics, using forms, conventions, and techniques appropriate to the purpose and audience (e.g., record an audio or video text recounting the plot of a story or play read in class; develop a television, radio, or Internet commercial for a product or service that a young entrepreneur is offering; recreate and reinterpret a television news report from a point of view overlooked in
the original; collaborate to create an interactive multimedia presentation that includes a mock interview with a member of the audience at a concert)
Teacher prompts: “Quel est l’objectif de tourner la scène de l’intrigue de l’histoire lue?” “Quels moyens technologiques ou médiatiques faut-il considérer pour convaincre l’audience de votre message?” “Comment votre expérience dans la création de textes multimédias vous aide-t-elle à mieux apprécier ce genre de texte?”
Instructional tips:
(1) Teachers can instruct students to use comparatives and superlatives (e.g., “mieux”, “meilleur”, “le plus”, “la plus”, “les plus”, “le moins”, “la moins”, “les moins”) when creating a commercial (e.g., “Cette boisson est la plus délicieuse”, “Ce magasin est le moins cher de la ville”).
(2) Teachers can encourage students to use
the faire causatif construction when discussing ideas for their media texts (e.g., “Je peux faire jouer de la musique”).
B1.5 Applying Language Structures: communi- cate their meaning clearly, using parts of speech and word order appropriately (e.g., use the comparative and superlative forms of adjectives and adverbs when comparing items to buy; use appropriate pronouns to avoid repeating nouns; use literary language in an oral analysis of a poem during a small-group discussion)
Teacher prompts: “Comment choisissez-vous
le pronom convenable pour remplacer un nom dans une conversation?” “Pourquoi utilise-t-on le subjonctif après certaines expressions?”
Instructional tip: Teachers can encourage students to use expressions of necessity followed by the subjonctif présent (e.g., “Il est nécessaire que...”, “Il est important que...”,
“Il est indispensable que...”, “Il est utile que...”).
B2. Speaking to Interact
By the end of this course, students will:
B2.1 Using Speaking Interaction Strategies: demonstrate an understanding of appropriate speaking behaviour when interacting with others in a variety of formal and informal situations (e.g., respond respectfully and ask relevant questions to demonstrate engagement; paraphrase, clarify, ask questions about, or otherwise respond to ideas shared in a group discussion; use culturally appropriate body language and eye contact during a group discussion)
Teacher prompts: “Comment allez-vous montrer à votre camarade de classe que vous l’écoutez?” “Que pourriez-vous dire afin d’inciter une réaction à vos déclarations?” “Quelles stratégies pourriez-vous utiliser afin d’ajouter à la prise de position de votre partenaire?”
Instructional tip: Teachers can model the use
of the double negative for emphasis in informal conversation (e.g., “Je n’ai encore rien lu”, “Je n’ai encore vu personne”, “Je ne suis encore allé nulle part”, “Je ne l’ai encore jamais vu”, “Rien n’a jamais été expliqué”).
B2.2 Interacting: engage in spoken interactions in French (prepared and spontaneous), in academic and social contexts, about academic and familiar topics, including literary topics (e.g., in small groups, discuss solutions to international problems,
French Immersion

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