Page 249 - The Ontario Curriculum, Grades 9 to 12: French as a Second Language – Core, Extended, and Immersion, 2014
P. 249

 of pace and pauses for dramatic effect when reciting original poetry; use appropriate expression and accurate vocabulary when role-playing in a small group scenes from a literary work under study)
Teacher prompts: “Comment l’inflexion de la voix et la cadence enrichissent-elles la récitation d’un poème?” “Qu’est-ce qui vous aide à struc- turer et à ajouter de la fluidité à votre discours sur un sujet recherché?” “Quel est le rôle du ton de votre voix et le rythme de votre diction dans votre message auditif et votre expression orale?”
Instructional tip: Teachers can encourage students to practise tongue twisters (e.g., “Ces six saucissons-ci sont si secs qu’on ne sait si s’en sont”) as a weekly routine. As students get more comfortable with pronunciation, they can begin to compose their own tongue twisters to share with younger students.
B1.4 Creating Media Texts: create oral media texts in French on a wide variety of topics, using forms, conventions, and techniques appropriate to the purpose and audience (e.g., in a small group, make a video for class viewing that summarizes a novel or scenes from a play; deliver a television newscast covering a community event; produce a persuasive podcast about the
pros and cons of social networking for adolescents, including practical tips and referring to personal experience; create an animated clip with narration explaining the strategies that non-governmental organizations use in their media campaigns to attract support; with a peer, produce a webcast
for graduating students regarding how to budget for postsecondary education or a major event such as a formal dance or graduation trip)
Teacher prompts: “Comment pouvez-vous manipuler les éléments d’un document médiatique afin de persuader votre auditoire?” “Jusqu’à quel point l’animation est-elle un véhicule utile pour ouvrir la discussion sur des questions préoccupantes?” “Comment fait-on un budget de réalisation d’un projet?”
Instructional tip: Teachers can direct students to use the faire causatif construction to articulate cause and effect when discussing financial planning (e.g., “L’épargne vous fait économiser de l’argent”).
B1.5 Applying Language Structures: communi- cate their meaning clearly, using parts of speech and word order appropriately (e.g., use tense sequences correctly in both prepared and spontan- eous conversations; use the indicatif présent and the subjonctif présent appropriately after certain
expressions when stating opinions or ideas in a debate; incorporate the language of literary analysis into their seminars)
Teacher prompts: “Expliquez la différence entre l’indicatif et le subjonctif. Comment fait-on la différence?” “Quelle relation faites-vous entre la grammaire et l’expression orale?”
Instructional tip: Teachers can review which conjunctions are followed by the subjonctif
(e.g., “Quoique ce soit trop cher, vous devriez faire réparer cet ordinateur pour finir le travail”, “Bien que le problème n’ait pas été résolu, on ne peut rien faire”, “Nous irons au stade à moins qu’il ne pleuve”) and which conjunctions are followed by the indicatif (e.g., “Aussitôt qu’il arrive, on part à la bibliothèque”, “Depuis qu’elle a déménagé ici, elle n’a pas cessé de se plaindre”, “Dès que le prof commence à parler, on écoute”) to help students use them appro- priately in discussions.
B2. Speaking to Interact
By the end of this course, students will:
B2.1 Using Speaking Interaction Strategies: demonstrate an understanding of appropriate speaking behaviour when interacting with others in a variety of formal and informal situations (e.g., synthesize the ideas of others during a discussion; request additional information to clarify meaning and prolong an interaction; use inclusive verbal and non-verbal communication to encourage others to take part in a conversation; avoid interrupting others in group discussions)
Teacher prompts: “Qu’est-ce que vous faites pour prolonger une conversation?” “Comment pouvez-vous utiliser les signes de politesse pour encourager la participation des autres dans une discussion?” “Comment pouvez-vous poliment marquer votre désaccord avec les commentaires de votre professeur?”
Instructional tip: Teachers can encourage students to gain new insight into a topic under discussion by asking questions about and then synthesizing a peer’s ideas.
B2.2 Interacting: engage in sustained spoken interactions in French (prepared and spontan- eous), in academic and social contexts, about a wide variety of topics, including literary and other challenging topics (e.g., role-play a job interview or an entrance interview at a postsecondary institution; negotiate a resolution to a conflict between the school administration and the student
Extended French

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