Page 246 - The Ontario Curriculum, Grades 9 to 12: French as a Second Language – Core, Extended, and Immersion, 2014
P. 246

 Grade 12, University Preparation
 THE ONTARIO CURRICULUM, GRADES 9–12 | French as a Second Language: Extended
broadcast for overgeneralizations or stereotypes about race, gender, culture, or ability; explain how humour is used in video clips to communicate an underlying message; analyse the interviewing style of a radio personality and its appeal for the target audience; analyse the perspective of a documentary about economic development and the environment in Canada and evaluate its objectivity; explain how public service announcements promote mental health awareness in their own and another community)
Teacher prompts: “Dans quelle mesure le style d’un intervieweur peut-il influencer votre réaction à l’interview?” “Comment sélectionnez- vous les informations dans une vidéo pour créer un contre-argument?” “De quelle manière les techniques médiatiques sont-elles utilisées pour sensibiliser l’audience à la santé mentale?”
Instructional tip: Teachers can direct students’ attention to the use of indefinite pronouns such as “certain”, “plusieurs”, “quelque”, “aucun”, “personne” in a public service announcement (e.g., “Il faut être extrêmement prudent lorsqu’on achète des boissons énergisantes, car certaines sont prémélangées à de l’alcool”).
A2. Listening to Interact
By the end of this course, students will:
A2.1 Using Interactive Listening Strategies: identify and use a range of interactive listening strategies to suit a variety of situations while participating in academic and social interactions (e.g., in a group planning session, ensure that everyone’s ideas are heard and understood before making a decision; take notes and use effective questioning techniques during a debate; paraphrase the ideas of others during discussions; gauge timing and non-verbal cues to judge when to listen and when to speak in a mock election debate)
Teacher prompts: “De quelle manière écoutez- vous attentivement un locuteur compétent dans une longue discussion?” “Quelle stratégie de compréhension orale utilisez-vous pour vous préparer à défendre votre opinion dans un débat?” “Quelle est l’efficacité d’utiliser
des moments de silence actif durant une conversation?”
Instructional tip: Teachers can provide oppor- tunities for students to participate in debates, role plays, and social or community interactions so that they can practise interactive listening strategies in various contexts.
A2.2 Interacting: respond with understanding
to what others say while participating in sustained interactions about a wide variety of topics, including literary and other challenging topics, in formal and informal situations (e.g., encourage a partner to reflect on and further discuss his or her plans and prospects; role-play a telephone conversation between an aggressive patient and
a clinic worker; listen to representatives from different universities discuss their programs and scholarships, and then ask questions for clarification; interact with participants, such as parents, teachers, or police, during the planning of a French-language school or community event; propose answers to questions asking“Que se passe-t-il si...”about various options arising from conflicts between characters in a play; respond respectfully to the ideas of others in a book-club discussion)
Teacher prompts: “Comment les opinions d’un pair lors d’un débat influencent-elles votre réaction?” “Quels types de questions pouvez- vous poser pour solliciter de l’information relative à une demande de bourse?” “Quelles questions formulez-vous pour vous engager dans une longue conversation?”
Instructional tip: Teachers can provide oppor- tunities for interactions in which students can build on the ideas of others and refine their collective thinking as a class.
A2.3 Metacognition:
(a) explain which of a variety of strategies they found helpful before, during, and after listening; (b) demonstrate insight into their areas of greater and lesser strength as listeners, and plan steps they can take to improve their listening skills (e.g., describe the types of questions that helped them clarify their understanding of challenging oral texts and explain why; evaluate the usefulness of paraphrasing others’ perspectives during a con- versation; explain how they adjust their listening strategies if an oral text is especially challenging; identify their personal learning style and reflect
on how it affects their listening challenges and listening skills)
Teacher prompts: “Comment pouvez-vous relever un défi adapté à vos capacités?” “Comment est-ce que les types de questions que vous posez produisent des réponses qui poussent à la réflexion?” “Comment l’évaluation des forces et faiblesses de vos styles d’apprentissage vous aide-t-elle à développer des stratégies d’écoute plus efficaces?”
Instructional tip: Teachers can encourage students to formulate their reflections on listening strategies using the faire causatif construction with verbs of perception (e.g., “Est-ce que mes questions font réfléchir l’interlocuteur?”).

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