Page 238 - The Ontario Curriculum, Grades 9 to 12: French as a Second Language – Core, Extended, and Immersion, 2014
P. 238

 Grade 11, University Preparation
 THE ONTARIO CURRICULUM, GRADES 9–12 | French as a Second Language: Extended
(2) Teachers can draw students’ attention to the use of the impératif and infinitif in manuals (e.g., “Débranchez le cordon d’alimentation de la prise secteur lorsque vous ne les utilisez pas”, “Voir le mode d’emploi page... de ce manuel”).
C2.2 Text Features and Elements of Style: identify features and stylistic elements of a variety of text forms in French, including literary, informational, graphic, and media forms, and explain how they help to convey the meaning (e.g., dramatic irony provides an additional level of meaning in a play and help readers more fully understand the significance of plot developments; symbols in a poem can evoke an idea or theme that is not explicitly stated; flashbacks in a novel can help explain the motivation or actions of characters; graphics support the ideas or information in a report)
Teacher prompts: “Comment l’ironie dramatique aide-t-elle à approfondir la compréhension d’une pièce de théâtre?” “Comment un symbole peut-il représenter une idée?” “Comment le choix de mots et la structure peuvent-ils changer le ton ou le message d’un poème?” “Pourquoi un auteur utilise-t-il les retours en arrière dans un roman?” “Comment les graphiques dans un texte vous permettent-ils d’exploiter et de révéler les message implicites?”
Instructional tips:
(1) Teachers can direct students to identify the use of the plus-que-parfait in flashbacks.
(2) Teachers can ask students to compare the diction and imagery used in a contemporary poem and an older poem on the same theme.
C2.3 Metacognition:
(a) explain which of a variety of strategies they found helpful before, during, and after reading to understand texts;
(b) evaluate their areas of greater and lesser strength as readers, and plan steps they can take to improve their reading skills (e.g., in a small group, discuss effective ways to make inferences during their reading; during a conference with the
teacher, explain how reflecting on their previous experiences helped them deepen their understanding of new information; discuss with peers their thought processes when engaging with a literary text so that they can develop awareness of strategies/practices that can be applied when reading other texts)
Teacher prompts: “Dans quelle mesure vos expériences approfondissent-elles votre perception d’un sujet présenté dans la lecture?”
“Comment vos connaissances antérieures influencent-elles votre compréhension de la nouvelle information apprise dans un texte?”
Instructional tips:
(1) Teachers can encourage students to discuss with peers various bases to consider for the purpose of making inferences, such as events or ideas within a text, the author’s use of words with multiple meanings, and the author’s stated purpose or intentions for writing.
(2) When students encounter problems in understanding a challenging text, teachers can encourage them to work in pairs, with one student talking about the problem and describing his or her thought processes, and the other student listening and asking questions to support his or her partner’s understanding.
C3. Intercultural Understanding
By the end of this course, students will:
C3.1 Intercultural Awareness: using information from a variety of French texts, identify French- speaking communities worldwide, find out about aspects of their cultures, and make connections to personal experiences and their own and other communities (e.g., discuss with a peer their interpretations of the explicit and implicit cultural elements important to the plot of a French-language novel; on the basis of research, compare the char- acteristics and role of fashion in a variety of French-speaking regions around the world; research a French-speaking political figure and evaluate how he or she influenced his or her culture or society; research and report on the importance of cultural industries in a French-speaking region; describe the influence of an environmental movement in a French-speaking region after reading books and periodicals, including e-books and e-journals)
Teacher prompts: “Comment l’auteur a-t-il utilisé ses expériences culturelles pour enrichir le ton de son texte?” “Selon vous, la mode est-elle en train de devenir universelle et identique pour tous?” “Comment allez-vous partager vos recherches sur la culture francophone à l’école? Quels objets et informations souhaitez- vous diffuser? Pourquoi?” “Qu’est-ce que l’industrie culturelle? Quel est son rôle dans l’économie mondiale?”
Instructional tip: Teachers can encourage students to dramatize a scene from a novel
in order to deepen their understanding of the culture of its era and region.

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