Page 230 - The Ontario Curriculum, Grades 9 to 12: French as a Second Language – Core, Extended, and Immersion, 2014
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 Grade 11, University Preparation
THE ONTARIO CURRICULUM, GRADES 9–12 | French as a Second Language: Extended
récessions; historiquement, ce sont les jeunes de 15 à 24 ans qui ont été les plus durement touchés par l’augmentation du taux de chômage auquel il faut penser sérieusement et s’y attaquer, car il afflige les jeunes au Canada”).
A1.3 Responding to and Evaluating Media Texts: evaluate the effectiveness of the treatment and presentation of ideas and information in
a variety of oral media texts in French about a variety of topics (e.g., analyse the biases of panelists on a public affairs program and how they affect their credibility; describe multiple perspectives heard in a podcast about diversity and explain whether hearing multiple opinions enhances
their understanding of the issue; analyse how a television show popular among teenagers promotes a particular lifestyle; in pairs, analyse how the language in a radio advertisement is intended
to influence the audience; identify and assess potentially controversial language in a song; assess the persuasiveness of a speech about the importance of making life plans)
Teacher prompts: “De quelle manière les
plans cachés des annonceurs influencent-ils
le déroulement d’une entrevue?” “Comment évaluez-vous la crédibilité d’une série d’émissions en baladodiffusion?” “De quelle façon les défilés de mode peuvent-ils influencer les jeunes filles dans notre société?” “Comment réagissez-vous lorsque vous entendez du langage explicite ou provocant dans une chanson?”
Instructional tip: Teachers can encourage students to use verbs followed by prepositions, such as “penser à”, “croire à/en”, “rêver de”, “décider de”, “agir sur”, when evaluating the information presented in a podcast (e.g., “Cela me fait penser à...”, “J’ai décidé de...”).
A2. Listening to Interact
By the end of this course, students will:
A2.1 Using Interactive Listening Strategies: identify and use a range of interactive listening strategies to suit a variety of situations while participating in academic and social interactions (e.g., use diverse questioning techniques to deepen
a discussion about an issue of concern; build on the ideas of others in conversation; summarize a peer’s point of view during a group discussion to demon- strate and clarify understanding; respond to a speaker’s opinion while showing respect for the diversity of ideas and cultures represented in
a discussion)
Teacher prompts: “De quelle manière pouvez- vous vous impliquer dans une longue conversation?” “Comment pouvez-vous amener
l’interlocuteur à clarifier ou à approfondir son point de vue?” “Comment pouvez-vous montrer de l’empathie ou de l’intérêt dans une conversation sensible?” “Pourquoi est-il essentiel d’être respectueux dans un débat en écoutant des opinions opposées?”
Instructional tip: Teachers can regularly schedule class debates and discussions to provide opportunities for students to practise interactive listening strategies.
A2.2 Interacting: respond with understanding to what others say while participating in sustained interactions about a variety of topics, including literary topics, in formal and informal situations (e.g., acknowledge other points of view during a sharing session at the end of a lesson; improvise
a dialogue between a consumer and a customer service representative dealing with a challenging situation; respond to the opinions of others by supporting and defending their own opinions in
a class debate about the themes of literary works under study; discuss with peers the skills that are required for various types of summer employment; ask questions about a presentation on a new environmental technology)
Teacher prompts: “Comment la discussion aide-t-elle à approfondir vos connaissances à propos des sujets écoutés?” “Comment le jeu de rôle vous donne-t-il l’opportunité de partager votre point de vue à l’égard d’un sujet qui vous intéresse?” “Jusqu’à quel point vous sentez-vous prêts pour entrer dans le monde du travail?” “Jusqu’à quel point la discussion avec vos pairs influence-t-elle vos décisions?” “Quels types
de questions pourriez-vous poser pour obtenir plus d’information au sujet d’une nouvelle technologie?”
Instructional tip: Teachers can provide various opportunities, such as literature circles, debates, and small-group discussions, for students to listen and respond to the points of view of
their peers on social and/or literary topics.
A2.3 Metacognition:
(a) explain which of a variety of strategies they found helpful before, during, and after listening; (b) evaluate their areas of greater and lesser strength as listeners, and plan steps they can take to improve their listening skills (e.g., explain what type of listener they are; evaluate the strategies
they have used to help them understand a speaker’s message; identify new strategies to improve their listening comprehension; assess and describe the effectiveness of strategies they have used to determine what is relevant in an audio resource; discuss the

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