Page 194 - The Ontario Curriculum, Grades 9 to 12: French as a Second Language – Core, Extended, and Immersion, 2014
P. 194

 Grade 12, Open
THE ONTARIO CURRICULUM, GRADES 9–12 | French as a Second Language: Core
a writing piece from their portfolio that they are particularly proud of and share it with others)
Teacher prompts: “Comment fais-tu la sélection des idées d’écriture qui ont été discutées dans le groupe?” “Comment évites-tu de faire des erreurs dans une production écrite?”
Instructional tips:
(1) Teachers can suggest that students use future tenses when applying feedback from the current task to planning the next writing task.
(2) Teachers can encourage students to consider how to increase their success in writing tasks, such as cooperative writing, with respect to forming teams (e.g., start with pairs, consider personalities), selecting writing tasks (e.g., start with familiar procedures, short tasks), and deciding role assignments (e.g., consider individual strengths, talents, interests).
D3. Intercultural Understanding
By the end of this course, students will:
D3.1 Intercultural Awareness: in their written work, communicate information about French- speaking communities worldwide, including aspects of their cultures and their contributions to la francophonie and the world, and make connections to personal experiences and their own and other communities (e.g., create a storyboard for a video highlighting customs and traditions from French-speaking regions; write
a television script on the struggles of various French-speaking minority groups; create an itinerary and budget plan for a road trip within a French-speaking country; write an email to request information about a cultural event to be held in a French-speaking community)
Teacher prompts: “Comment conscientises-tu aux stéréotypes culturels? Comment peux-tu les éviter et enseigner aux autres de les éviter?” “Comment l’apport des différentes communautés a-t-il enrichi le Canada?” “Comment la culture est-elle transmise d’une génération à une autre?” “Quels sont les aspects positifs qui ressortent d’un mélange de cultures?”
Instructional tip: Teachers can suggest that students use relational adverbs such as “cependant”, “néanmoins”, or “toutefois” when writing about relationships among different cultures.
D3.2 Awareness of Sociolinguistic Conventions: identify sociolinguistic conventions associated with a variety of social situations in diverse French-speaking communities, and use them appropriately in their written work (e.g., frame questions based on research into stereotypes about French-speaking regions; create a chapter for a graphic novel on food or eating habits in different communities)
Teacher prompts: “Identifie les stéréotypes
qui caractérisent d’une région ou un pays francophone. Cherche les raisons sur lesquelles ces réputations sont fondées. Met-les sous forme de questions écrites que tu pourrais poser à toute la classe (p. ex., Est-ce qu’un Français ne porte vraiment qu’un béret et un tee-shirt rayé, ne mange que des baguettes et a systématiquement une moustache?).” “Comment mangent les Sénégalais?”
Instructional tips:
(1) Teachers can suggest that students read blogs and/or posts from social networking sites to investigate stereotypes about different regions.
(2) Teachers can suggest that students pose negative questions using “Est-ce que...?” when investigating foods of different regions.

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