Page 189 - The Ontario Curriculum, Grades 9 to 12: French as a Second Language – Core, Extended, and Immersion, 2014
P. 189

By the end of this course, students will:
 C1. Reading Comprehension: determine meaning in a variety of authentic and adapted French texts, using a range of reading comprehension strategies;
C2. Purpose,Form,andStyle:identifythepurpose(s),characteristics,andaspectsofstyleofavarietyof authentic and adapted text forms in French, including fictional, informational, graphic, and media forms;
C3. Intercultural Understanding: demonstrate an understanding of information in French texts about aspects of culture in diverse French-speaking communities and other communities around the world, and of French sociolinguistic conventions used in a variety of situations and communities.
C1. Reading Comprehension
By the end of this course, students will:
C1.1 Using Reading Comprehension Strategies: identify a variety of reading comprehension strategies and use them before, during, and after reading to understand French texts in various reading contexts (e.g., paraphrase ideas to clarify understanding; read ahead in a passage to deduce the meaning of an unfamiliar word or phrase; construct a thematic word list as they read to use when analysing the main themes of a text; identify key ideas and supporting details; infer a main character’s motivations based on clues found in the setting and in secondary characters’ words and actions; analyse themes in discussion with peers; participate in reciprocal teaching with peers to summarize, clarify, question, and make predictions)
Teacher prompts: “Comment avez-vous réussi à faire ressortir les détails et les idées essentiels d’un texte?” “Comment est-ce que la discussion des éléments clés d’un texte vous aide à comprendre le texte en question?”
Instructional tip: Teachers can suggest that students use the participe présent (e.g., “en lisant”, “en vérifiant”) when discussing with their peers important information from a text.
C1.2 Reading for Meaning: demonstrate an understanding of explicit and implicit messages in a variety of student- and teacher-selected
French texts about everyday matters and personally relevant topics (e.g., with a partner, role-play an interview with a character from a text studied; summarize and compare information on a specific issue from newspapers or multimedia texts; share personal opinions in their critique of a text; give a book talk based on an independent reading text; discuss conflict between characters in a novel, short story, or graphic novel; recommend a movie to classmates based on the content of online reviews)
Teacher prompts: “Comment peux-tu dégager les idées émises, les valeurs présentées et le point de vue de l’auteur?” “Quel style l’auteur utilise-t-il dans son texte? Comment le sais-tu?” “Est-ce que ce style t’aide à comprendre le texte? Pourquoi?”
Instructional tips:
(1) Teachers can suggest that students use the conditionnel passé when describing what they think would have happened to a character in a particular text (e.g., “Le personnage serait devenu...”, “Elle aurait décidé...”).
(2) Teachers can have students present a timeline of events to the class, using different past tenses appropriately (e.g., passé composé, imparfait, plus-que-parfait).
C1.3 Reading with Fluency: read a variety of French texts at a sufficient rate and with sufficient ease to demonstrate that they understand the overall sense of the text (e.g., take turns reading excerpts from a play, varying rate, tone, and expression to suit the characters; vary tone and
 Core French

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